
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Sausage Biscuits from Primal Mom

Sausage Biscuits from Primal Mom

Homeschooling, cleaning, cooking, dancing….that is the story of my life these days, but with it has come some amazing recipes and ideas that will only make for smoother mornings when school does FINALLY re-open! Who knows when that will be, but know that I am making recipes to share with you to keep the kids healthy and you free of stress during the morning hustle.

Today I tried a recipe from my friend Amber’s collection. Amber is the amazing primalmom. If you do not follow her and you want to bring some goodness and health into you and your family’s lives, I highly suggest you do! You can find her on the gram @primalmom and on her website( just click the name Primal Mom above in blue). She has ALL kinds of keto friendly, primal friendly recipes, and skin care ideas so I highly suggest you give her a looksie!

Today I made her Breakfast Sausage Biscuits. Now, I will say it is kind of messy, but the mess is so worth it! This recipe gave me about 16 paddies and 1-2 paddies is all anyone would really eat each morning, so you have breakfast for a week! It is so nice! And my boys all like to eat it a little differently. One likes it with Red Hot Buffalo sauce, one likes it on a biscuit or Hawaiian Roll which totally cancels the keto, and one likes it with Cholula sauce, but the point is they all LOVED them! So give this recipe a whirl and show my friend some love!



2 lb ground sausage

2 cups almond flour

8 eggs

4 tablespoons butter

2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

2 teaspoons paprika

2 teaspoons pepper


Preheat your oven to 350

Melt your butter in a microwaveable small bowl

In a large bowl, mix the melted butter, almond flour, sausage, eggs, pepper, paprika, and cheese. Knead the ingredients together. (This is where it gets a bit messy.)

Form sausage mixture into large patties. I simply made them look like hamburger patties.

Bake on 350 for 20-24 minutes, flipping halfway.

You can store all your extras in the refrigerator and when you want to eat one you simply reheat one in the microwave for 30 seconds! Makes for an easy and healthy breakfast and everyone is happy and healthy!

Until Next Time,

Bon Appetit!


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