
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Simple Supper Suggestions #12

Simple Supper Suggestions #12

This week is nuts! Nuts in a good way! JP is in Phantom of the Opera and while most of JP’s stuff comes in spurts, when it comes, well it is all consuming in a very amazing way!!!!! With that being said we will not be having our usual Spaghetti Sunday, but I will still link it here for those of you who need a meal tonight!

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Since it is JP’s big week I will be making most of his favorite meals in the hopes of when he comes home, he takes a moment and eats something nutritious. One can hope!

Monday night we will be having my Chicken Feta that all the boys love! This recipe is so easy and it is such a crowd pleaser in my home!


Tuesday’s in our house is always Taco Tuesday of some sort! This Tuesday will be doing my twist on Taco Tuesday!


Wednesday we will have one of JP’s all time favorites Turkey Hash This recipe is so easy, so weird, yet so good!!!!!!

True story….I don’t have a pretty picture of this dish so I decided to post a pretty picture of the man of the hour!!!!!

True story….I don’t have a pretty picture of this dish so I decided to post a pretty picture of the man of the hour!!!!!

Thursday we will finish the week out with one recipe that is silly easy and one that he loves and EVERYBODY loves!!!!! It is so great to use at tailgates like my friend Lyndsy does or brunches or anywhere you have a crowd! And it is B for D! Hawaiian Rolls with Ham and Cheese!!!!!!


Friday and Saturday this mama closes the kitchen!

Sorry! Closed for Business! Help yourself to some cereal or leftovers!

Sorry! Closed for Business! Help yourself to some cereal or leftovers!

What are you guys eating this week?

Until Next Time!

Bon Appetit!


Enchiladas! That Is What Is For Dinner!

Enchiladas! That Is What Is For Dinner!

Iced Coffee That Will Knock Your Socks Off

Iced Coffee That Will Knock Your Socks Off