
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Iced Coffee That Will Knock Your Socks Off

Iced Coffee That Will Knock Your Socks Off

It is mid September and it was literally 102 degrees today! Ok that is nuts in and of itself, but so is this recipe I am about to share with you! If you like iced coffee you gotta try this! I mean to tell you this is AMAZING and I do not like iced coffee. Swear to God! But when I had this at one of my events, it was like Jessie with IV Nutrition described. It was like drinking melting chocolate ice cream. Can you say, “Get into my belly!”

It is super easy to make and when you add my secret ingredient you will not only have the benefit of a delicious iced coffee, but you will gain energy, mental focus, and it has a huge appetite suppressant in it! So if this sounds good to you or if you love iced coffee you should give this a try!

Ann’s Iced Coffee

1/2 cup almond milk

1/2 cup Stok Almond milk Cold Brew Mocha Coffee


(If you cannot find that you can use mocha international delight)

1/2 scoop my revitalu coffee

1/2 scoop my revitalu cocoa

Blend with ice and top with whip cream and if you are really fancy drizzle chocolate or chocolate sprinkles! So good you will want it every morning!!!!!

Try it!

And if you are not a customer of mine with my products, GOOD NEWS! You can sample them first and see if you like it!

All you have to do is text 1-515-500-5586 and type in Sample. My assistant bot Lou will get you all set up! It is that easy. Or if you would like to try my product for 30 days with a 30 day money back guarantee, email me at amy@worthyheart.com and we can get you all set up. Our company has changed the blend and it is all natural, plant based, no preservatives or colors, non gmo, gluten free, soy free, dairy free and vegan! So all natural and good for you! What does all this mean? It means my product can literally increase your energy, elevate your mood, help with your mental focus, and guess what! Curb your appetite!!!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!! And it is NATURAL AND PLANT BASED! So get yourself a sample or try it for a month! I promise you will love it!

Bon Appetit!



Simple Supper Suggestions #12

Simple Supper Suggestions #12

Stop Vaping is What the CDC says....but it is simply not that easy!

Stop Vaping is What the CDC says....but it is simply not that easy!