
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Simple Supper Suggestions #23

Simple Supper Suggestions #23

Happy Monday! I am so sorry I am a day late, but unfortunately I have been under the weather with some weird GI issues. Hoping to get back to normal this week, but I am not gonna lie, this was a hard one for me to do because food just sounds blah to me! But I did it! A day late and a dollar short….But by God I did it!

So here is what I THINK I will make this week. Who really knows as I am just not in the mood.

Monday-Amy’s Tortilla Soup This delicious recipe I got from my amazing neighbor Amy, I like to call her Pei Wei, and it is so good! I love making it on a Monday night for the family and eating on the left overs all week with a side of avocado! So good and the thought of soup with my stomach makes me happy.

Tuesday- Tuesday is always Tacos of some sort! This week they will be baked!

Wednesday-JP’s pick of Chicken Feta. Again super easy and you can even make it super duper easy by going to the grocery and getting their whole chickens that are already roasted if you are crazy busy with kid activities or if you are like me and behind or under the weather!

Thursday- we will finish the week out with one recipe that is silly easy and one that both JP and Graeme love! It is so great to use at tailgates like my friend Lyndsy does or brunches or anywhere you have a crowd! And it is B for D! Hawaiian Rolls with Ham and Cheese!!!!!!

So there you have it folks! Four meals and one that is a little bonus recipe for your future tailgates! Will we even have those this year?!

Bon Appetit!


The Good Life

The Good Life

Simple Supper Suggestions #22

Simple Supper Suggestions #22