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My July Book Review

My July Book Review

Again! Better late than never!!!!! I mean who made the rule that I had to tell you what I read each month and post it by the first of the next month! ME!!!!! Geez!!!! Well, at least I am getting it to you before the double digits! Maybe once the kids are back in school I will flow a little better, but I cannot apologize for taking time with them. I really have enjoyed my family this summer and hey that is pretty important in my book!

Speaking of books, I read some great stuff in July! I think you will like most if not all of them! Especially the first one I read. I think I read this little bad boy in 2 days it was so good! Before We Were Yours, by Lisa Wingate. You guys this book was amazing. It was so good that I could not put it down. After reading it I realized that it was based on true events which oh man that rocked my world even more because while I was reading it I kept thinking this is so “real” the way it is written. It was that good. Not to give too much a way, but to give you an idea of what the book is about, the book is based on true stories of children being stolen from their famililes and families being lied to that their children were dead. The children then were sold off to very wealthy families and their biological families never found them. This story is a story about one family’s fight to stay together. Heart wrenching story that will have you talking and thinking about it long after you finish.

Next I decided to read Hum If You Don’t Know the Words by, Bianca Marias. Now I honestly would not have picked this book, but it was given to me by my dear friend Lyndsy. Come to think of it so was Before We Were Yours, but honestly this is not a book I would have picked for myself, however, I am SO glad Lyndsy did! You guys this book was just as moving and just as deep! I am not sure it was based on true events like Before We Were Yours, but it would not surprise me if it was. It is based out of South Africa in the 70’s during the Apartheid regime. It is a story of two characters. One is white, one is black. One is a mom and one is a little girl who lost her mom. This might be my second favorite book and really it is a toss up between this and Before We Were Yours to be the best. I mean as I sit here and type all I want to say is go get this book and take a journey with Beauty and Robin. It is a beautiful journey, one of making the most out of life and your circumstances no matter what they are. And while you are doing that, Hum……because you will never know all the words to in this world….only the ones in your world.

After reading those two I needed a bit of a break from the heavy stuff and decided to change it up a bit and grab a book for self improvement. I grabbed a little book I have been hearing about and yall this book is short, but mighty!!!! It is so good and so easy to read and FULL of good stuff! It is You2: A High Velocity Formula for Multiplying Your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum Leaps, by Price Pritchett. You guys you can literally read this sucker in 30 minutes, but if you are like me you will read and re read it a dozen times!!! If you have dreams and you need some motivation along the way this book is for you! It is short and to the point. You could literally read this book everyday and get something new from it. Now some might argue this book is just an agenda for this guy to get you to sign up for his course, and maybe it is, which honestly is brilliant, but I am not signing up for the course and I am still getting good stuff! So if you like your motivation to be short, direct, thought provoking, and to the point….get this book! It will do you good!

Now for our cruise I need fluff and I chose the perfect book! It was an easy light read that had some twist, some turns, some curves, and even a loopty loop! The Weekenders by Mary Kay Andrews is in my opinon the perfect vacation or weekend read. If you have teens or pre teens, you might relate to this book even more, because let me tell you the little teenage brat in this book has attitude. But, hey, they all do right? The story in general is about an upper class family and their relationships and their life. Their struggles and how just when you think you know someone, even a family member, well….think again….Great read, especially if you are going on vacation and all you want to do is take your mind off your life and enjoy your time away. Why not get into someone else’s drama with this book? Easy, fun read. Go get it!

So that wraps up July can’t wait to see what August brings….it has already started off good I have to say!

Until next time!



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