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August Book Review

August Book Review

What does a new month mean? Well, it means alot, but what it means for Worthy Heart is it is time for my book review! I just love this post because it takes me back to the delicious stories, the positive mental thinking, and the sad and tragic stories that have so much hope coming from them. If you are a reader and you are like me and love to escape in a good book then I would love to see you at the first of every month as well as I would love to hear what you are reading! I can always use another book on the night stand!

This month I did mainly self improvement with a little bit of chic lit. Not really sure why, maybe because it was the end of the summer and I just really wanted to pretend I was in the Hamptons and Rich and that I could afford the Hamptons!!!! :) Or maybe it is because I want to grow my business and while I do that I want to escape into romance…..who knows! Funny thing is the one fluff book I got had little to no romance, but it was a great book about old friends, new friends, breaking bad habits and relationships, and believing in yourself and your dreams. Great book! It was Lighthouse Beach by Shelley Noble. The basic premise is a young girl who is about to embark on her new life with her new husband and realizes before the “I do’s”, this is the worst possible decision she could ever make. From there the story unfolds to a tale of 4 girls, their history, their current situations, and their potential future, which if I had one complaint it is that it kind of leaves you hanging there. Maybe the author has hopes for a sequel, which I would love as I personally fell in love with three of the girls. One gal I could do without, but I think that is because her story was not told much. All I really knew was she had lost her husband, has a child, lives and works with the in laws, and ya, that was pretty much it. But, again, maybe the author has something up her sleeve, which I would be so down with! Over all it was a great read that did what I like and took me to another world and on an beautiful adventure. Easy, fun read with some twist and turns, but not a lot of juicy love, but I was ok with that as the friendships that were forming and the different personalities that were coming out were very intriguing. Bottom line, if you like stories about friendship, change, and hope, get this book!

Next I picked up a book per the suggestion of the number 7 earner in my company. Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional, by Eric Worre. This a great book chalk full of information if you are in a MLM or in sales of any kind really. It will help you understand relationship building and the importance of follow up. The author has some very insightful thoughts about the way of the future from college to corporate america that were eye opening to me as well as thoughts about coporate america in general. If you are stuck in corportate amercia and want more, grab this book and let’s talk. I think the book is a bit outdated with the dawning of social media, but in all reality people need people and not just a computer so it is still full of great information, ideas, tips and techniques. Again, I will stress if you are wanting a side hustle or are feeling stuck in corporate america I highly suggest this book and suggest you getting with me. I have begun an incredible journey with a new company that I am loving the products, the money I am making, the friends I am making, and the overall growth I am having and I would love to have you on my team and together we can hustle and grow!

Along the lines of growth I chose another book for my business and self improvement mainly because the author does a training with our company twice a month on Zoom Calls and I find her fascinating, sharp, whitty, real, and someone I can relate to. Her book was no different. Grow Rich Thinking: Mindset + Action= Outrageous Achievement, by Leslie Zann. You guys this book is a simple, short, quick read, FULL of good stuff! Good food for the soul and for the mind. This book is for anyone wanting more! You do not have to be in an MLM or sales for this book. The only requirement is hunger! That is it! If you want to experience a breakthrough in life or in business this book is for you! GET IT!

That pretty much wraps up August and I know it was heavy on the self improvement, but hey, I am in a growth spurt! That is a good thing right?

Until next time,



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