
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Thank You For The Storm

Thank You For The Storm

We have less than 40 days until 2019 comes to a close. When I look back on 2019 I am so proud! Proud of me, proud of Trey, proud of our boys, just proud!!!!! And oh so grateful!

I think most of you know by now that I hate new years resolutions and I like to do themes or words for the year. This year my theme was GUTS! To see why click here.

GUTS-The informal meaning is that the word guts is used in reference to a feeling or reaction based on an instinctive emotional response rather than considered thought.

When I look back on my family’s last year we lived the true meaning of guts! And I could not be more proud of each individual in my family or more grateful for this period of time. Would I do it again? That is one question I need to really ponder because the truth is we came out so much better and I am so thankful. Truly thankful. We are stronger, we are more resilient, we are more compassionate, we seek to understand each other, we listen, and we have respect for one another. Was that missing before? Maybe, but, I can honestly say each one of us has had a transformation for the better and we have all become better at serving one another. What a beautiful experience for a family.

Thanksgiving 2018…..

Thanksgiving 2018…..

Times are tough and through it we are each learning to see what it is God is wanting to do with us during this unsure season. We have a lot of unknowns before us, but we are remembering to keep God at the front of it all. Whether it is a decision on a college, a job, a teacher, a counselor, to go with a group of friends, to go to the party, to say yes or say no, boundaries…..whatever it is we are ALL getting better at looking to God and relying on Him. Truly relying on Him. And you know what…..that takes GUTS! True Guts.

Cream and Green World Environment Day Talk Instagram Post (3).jpg

It’s hard to rely on someone you cannot see or you cannot touch. You can talk to God, but He is not going to talk back to you in the traditional way. Our family has learned to do this. We have learned to rely on God. Are we great at it? No! Were we somewhat forced to? Yes! Do we have room for improvement? Yes! Of course. Faith takes practice because fears take hold and when they do it is so easy to slip back into old behaviors, but now that my family as a whole has learned the beauty of turning our will over to God we can remind each other of this gently and compassionately. We can remind each other of the miracle of this past year and we can have hope and peace. For this I am forever grateful.

So as I look back on the past 365 days, I look back in awe and I am so grateful to God for the disaster He brought us to and through so that we could be the family He made us to be. What miracle it is to say Thank You for the Storm.

Happy Thanksgiving My Friends.



Simple Supper Suggestions #18

Simple Supper Suggestions #18

Simple Supper Suggestions #17

Simple Supper Suggestions #17