
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

New Year takes GUTS!

New Year takes GUTS!

Most of you who know me, know that I do not like New Years Resolutions. I personally think they are a waste and they cause all kinds of negative emotions for the person who sets them. Think about it… how many times have you heard or said, “This year I want to get back to xyz weight!” And you start out strong until about day three or even week three and then you slowly get frustrated with the fact that the parking lot at the gym is full because everyone else is doing the same thing, or the equipment is full, the class is full, you get the drill! Or how about this one, “I am going to go on xyz diet.” What happens next? Your brain starts to play tricks on you and you are suddenly starving and craving anything and everything! Another good one…."I am going to save xyz amount this year!” What do you think happens? The universe! Your car breaks down and you have to put $980 down on that and you get frustrated! There goes saving money out the window! Does all of this sound about right?

I know this seems so negative for me and it is simply because I do not like these things called Resolutions! They are a recipe for disaster unless of course you are type A and you can complete them.I know there are those people out there in the world. I, however, am a type z kind of gal, fly by the seat of your pants, and go with it! Resolutions cause me all kinds of pain and frustration! So I decided to go on strike and never set one again and I have to say it has been very freeing! You know why? Because the literal definition of Resolution is: a firm decision to do or not do something….I don’t have to be firm. I can be flexible and that is a huge weight off of my shoulders! It will be one off of yours too IF you bite off on my idea.

What is my idea? Well my idea is to have a theme, not a resolution. Definition of theme: The subject of talk, a piece of writing, a person’s thoughts, or an exhibition: a topic……My idea is a theme for the year and the theme I have chosen for 2019 is GUTS!


Why guts? Because I just went through a storm with my family and I realized it was because of our GUTS that we got through it. I realized if I applied GUTS to my year in 2019 anything is possible! It is for you too! Let me break it down.

  • G-Gratitude-starting everyday with a grateful heart and mindset does amazing and wonderful things for the mind and spirit which in turn does amazing things for the body. When you are grateful, your world is a much better place to live.

  • U-Understanding-Have you ever heard the saying, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” When you tweek your mindset to this AMAZING practice, positive things start to happen. But, in order to do this, you HAVE to listen…..and this my friends is a learned art. The art of listening. One I am still working on. So, this year let’s all jump on the wagon of learning to listen so we can understand FIRST. When we are understanding, really understanding, another’s opinions, needs, hurts, thoughts, dreams, whatever…. it is amazing what happens to the relationship.

  • T-Transformation-When you work on YOU, not anyone else, because Lord knows I have learned the very powerful and hard lesson you cannot do it for anyone else! You will begin to change and others around you will get on board or jump off the track! When you work on YOU….feed yourself with daily time with our Lord, positive self help books, positive podcast, positive people, continuing education to better yourself, take a walk, join a dance class (hint, hint), or tennis team, eat healthier, all things positive for you, you will begin to change and marvelous things will begin to happen! But I personally believe this transformation can only take place if you practice the art of the FIRST 15. Spending your first 15 minutes with God everyday will do powerful and amazing things in your life and those around you! Try it and see for yourself.

  • S-Serve-When you serve others you are giving back and when you are giving back it is amazing what is happening in your heart. It’s as simple as the saying, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Now I definitely do not mean for you to neglect your loved ones, but I do want to encourage you to find a cause. Maybe it is serving at your childs school or helping at a school with underprivileged children. Maybe it is a soup kitchen. Maybe it is the foster care system, or your church, the point is there is plenty of need in this world. Challenge yourself! If you have never served maybe set the goal of doing one thing this year, once a month, or each quarter for someone else. If you serve often maybe make that goal loftier like a mission trip…..whatever it is think about it, pray on it, and I promise the door will open. There is so much need for service and love in this world. Together let’s fill the need and watch what happens to your mindset and your heart.

    So as we embark on 2019 together, let’s do it with GUTS!



You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in daily routine.

Hello, World!

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