
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time


This past Friday, Trey and I loaded up two cars with 7 boys and 1 girl and headed out to the lake and I have to say I was a nervous wreck for a number of reasons. I have a tendency to worry as a mom as it is, but add in 5 extra kids who are not mine and I really worry. I worry so much that Thursday night as I laid in bed I literally had to talk myself off of the, "what if" cliff. "What if one gets hurt tubing?" "What if one falls out of the bunk and breaks an arm?" "What if one gets bit by a snake?" "What if one drowns?" I am not kidding when I say I had to talk myself off the cliff because the more I worried, the worst the "what if's" became. Have you ever done this?

Finally I started to relax my breathing and really concentrate on it and I got smart and started talking to God. That my friends always helps and a funny thing happens, you go to sleep and you wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to go do whatever it was that was trying to keep you up. Only now you put it in God's hands and have a little faith. So we loaded up and headed out and I focused on these amazing kids and having a wonderful weekend where these kids could be just that, kids!

I honestly did not know what to expect, 6 teenagers and 2 seven year old boys, but we honestly had a great time. We went tubing, fishing, boating, swimming, played corn hole, frisbee, and ate whatever we wanted. I had the opportunity to talk with a few of the kids alone and it was awesome. Awesome to know that they would not only talk, but really open up to what they are going through as teenagers these days. I have to tell ya, it does not sound easy. They are so connected with each other, yet so disconnected and the funny thing is they know it, but they don't know what to do about it. They want to be more connected, but technology keeps pulling them from each other, telling them do this and you will be "in" or "one of the cool kids". Kind of sad really. When I asked one of the guys if he was having fun his immediate reply was, "Yes, I am so relaxed!" I thought to myself how sad that a kid has to feel like an adult now and get away to relax. It hit me though, it was not that he was away, it was that they were not attached to their phones. They were enjoying each other right there. The only thing the phones were being used for was music. It was a beautiful relaxing thing.

Later on that day, Will, my oldest son, asked me to go take some pictures in the fields with him. He has really gotten into photography and wanted to find the perfect spot for the golden hour to take pictures with his buddies. The golden hour in case any of you are wondering is at 7:30 pm at Possum Kingdom Lake. Any how, we were in this field and he was snapping pictures of me getting the camera ready. I was playing around "pretending" I was modeling and he looked into the camera lens and with the most sincere expression said, "I love you." RIGHT THERE AT THAT MOMENT I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, there was NOTHING more important than what I was doing. Right there, Right then, spending time with my beautiful boy, my family, and their friends. I was given an opportunity to love my boy, love his passion for photography, love my family, and love all their friends, and I took that moment and did not worry about any thing else! Boy am I glad. That is moment that I will cherish FOREVER! 

Whoever wrote the  following quote was spot on, "The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back." 


Time is the gift you will never get back and time is the gift you can never take back. What are you doing in your life to ensure that you have the beautiful gift of time with those you love? When was the last time you hugged someone you loved so much you did not want to let go? Or spent time with your kids-even though you were so exhausted all you wanted to do was veg on the couch? When was the last time you went on a date with your spouse or sent someone you love a note or flowers? How often do you put your phone down and really listen to your kids, your friend in need, or your spouse?

One day your life will flash before your eyes, make sure you spent your time with those who matter to you most. Because when this life is over none of the other "stuff" will matter. What will matter is those that we leave behind have the memories of time well spent and knowing they were loved. I for one am going to try harder to spend more quality time with my family and friends. I want them to know they are loved and they are worthy!

Until next time!



Hello, World!

Father's day is just around the corner. Why don't you give the gift of time no pun intended! This new Fitbit is waterproof and is awesome! I love mine!



Easy, Flexible, Crock Pot Tacos

Easy, Flexible, Crock Pot Tacos

Why Worthy Heart

Why Worthy Heart