
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Happy Birthday to the Best Father in Law a Girl Could Ask For!

Happy Birthday to the Best Father in Law a Girl Could Ask For!

It is May 31 and it is my father in law's birthday!  Happy Birthday Grubba! 

We call him Grubba because his nickname was Bubba. Then he had his first grandbaby, Autumn, and she named him Grubba! Grandpa and Bubba all mixed up in one. Pretty cute if you ask me and oh so appropriate as he likes his Grub!


All about his Grub! 


The man can cook! Oh man can he cook! I actually learned how to cook bacon and meatloaf thanks to my father in law. Meanest meatloaf you will ever taste! I posted about it a while back because it is that good! Link to that recipe is:  https://worthyheart.com/blog/2018/4/22/grubbas-meatloaf He also loves to cook us "Grubba eggs". These eggs are amazing, but I always say they are a heart attack on a plate. He gets a ton of bacon grease really, really, really, hot in an iron skillet. Once it is piping hot he cracks an egg into the grease and watches it bubble and cook. These eggs are oh so good! But probably oh so bad for ya! I really don't care though because they are that good. 

Grubba Guitar

Another thing my father in law can do is pick the guitar. Every time we have a family get together we do "Grubba Guitar".  We all sit around singing songs and having a ball. Such an incredible family tradition. When Trey and I got engaged we started incorporating it into my side of the family's holidays and I kid you not, my nephews are bummed when "Grubba Guitar" is not there on Thanksgiving or Christmas. It truly is a tradition on both sides of our family now and a tradition all of us cherish. 

This past Christmas was our first Christmas with my Mom in heaven and our second without her as she was in the hospital in 2016. I really believe in my heart "Grubba Guitar" is what helped us all enjoy the holidays with such a huge piece missing, my mom. For this I will always be grateful. Thank you Grubba!

Two Big Grubba Lessons

I have learned many things from my father in law over the years, but the two things I have really taken in are the importance of family and and the importance of faith. My father in law gets both. He loves us all so much and he loves time spent with his family. Not too much time though! He always says, "After three days, fish and company stinks" In other words don't out wear your welcome. I like that and I think it makes a ton of sense if you think about. 


In the area of faith, my father in law has taught me so much. I think this might be one of the things I admire most about him. I will never forget dating Trey way back in 1992.  I woke up early to get a glass of water and I remember seeing Grubba sitting at the table reading his bible. I stood there in awe that day and in that  moment I remember thinking I want to be a part of this family. Course that did not happen until 2000, but I remember thinking it.  

His faith has not waivered in some of the toughest times. I am always in awe of his faith. Seriously in awe. Through many tough losses, including the loss of his middle son Marc, to the tough medical diagnoses like the one he is fighting now personally with, cancer. His faith remains intact and he still runs his race, steady and determined with his eye on the prize of Jesus. The example he has set for me and my boys, including my husband Trey, is one I will always hold onto and fall back on in times that I want to quit my own race in faith. For this, thank you my Grubba!  I may not be able to run the course God has set for you and you may not be able to run my course, but because of your example we will both finish the course God has marked for us and we will finish strong!

So today, May 31, 2018 it would mean the world to me if you would hold my Grubba in your thoughts and prayers as he fights yet another battle in his race.  The battle of bone cancer. It would be the best gift he can receive and it will mean the world to me!

Happy Birthday Grubba!





Delicious Mexican Street Corn

Delicious Mexican Street Corn

Easy and Quick Carbonara

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