
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Grandpa's Favorite Dessert!

Grandpa's Favorite Dessert!

For whatever reason, and let's face it... we all know the reason, I associate February with chocolate.  Which really is not all that bad if you think about it.  We are talking about chocolate.  It could be worse we could be talking about Spinach or Kale!  Anyways, point is, I associate February with chocolate and this month my plan is to share one chocolate recipe with you a week.  I have a ton, because I do love me some chocolate!  So if you like chocolate as much as I do, tune in every Wednesday and see if you like what I am cooking!  I bet you will. 

I would also LOVE for you to send me any chocolate recipe you have that you love. I would love to try them all and  I will highlight you and your recipe sometime this year!  It's a win-win!  I get to add more recipes to my collection and you can share your recipe with my readers!  I love that!  I hope you do too!

See how it floats in the syrup....trust me, when you are putting the batter into the syrup it is even weirder!

See how it floats in the syrup....trust me, when you are putting the batter into the syrup it is even weirder!

So for today's chocolate recipe, you should know this recipe is very near and dear to my heart.  It is my dads absolute FAVORITE dessert in the entire world.  My mother use to make it for him for every birthday and anniversary.  Full disclosure, it looks odd (and that is being kind with my words) while cooking, but I promise it is delish!  It is just not real pretty!  As a matter of fact, my baby brother Paul made fun of me in December when I made it for our father.  He was placing bets that it was a flop because yall it looks that bad! BUT!  It was not!  EVERYONE loved it, but most importantly my Dad loved it and loved that I took the time to bring a little bit of mom to him on his first birthday without her.  This recipe is perfect for any special occasion or if you are having a special valentines dinner with your kiddos or someone you love.  Remember....keep going even if it looks weird or just not right.....it is.....I promise!  

Me rubbing it in my baby brother Paul's face that I had actually nailed the dessert!

Me rubbing it in my baby brother Paul's face that I had actually nailed the dessert!

Irene's Devil's Float

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 cups water

2 tablespoons butter

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup of flour

3 tablespoons coco

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup whole milk


Preheat oven to 350 and grease a square baking pan 8 x 8

combine 1 cup of sugar and water in a pan and boil for 10 minutes

cream the butter and remaining sugar together, add the vanilla

sift the dry ingredients together

slowly add dry ingredients with creamed butter, sugar, and vanilla as well as milk

pour your syrup mixture of water and sugar in a square pan and pour your baking mixture on top of this.  (This is wear the looks go downhill.....keep going....you are doing great!)


Keep Calm and know everyone will love this!  

Trust me!!!!!

Bake on 350 for 40-45 minutes

You can serve this with homemade whip cream, or cool whip or ice cream.  Our family prefers homemade whip cream which I will share with you how I make this below.  If your family likes nuts you can fold in  1/2 cup chopped nuts to baking mixture before you pour onto the syrup.   My dad does not like the nuts so we leave those out.

Homemade whip cream:

1 Cup cold heavy whipping cream

2 tablespoons sugar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Put glass bowl in a freezer for 10-20 minutes to chill.  Pour heavy whipping cream into bowl and add vanilla and whisk or beat on high speed....slowly fold in sugar and keep whisking or beat until medium to stiff peaks form

Simple and oh so good!


Even the little ones loved it!


I am telling you EVERYONE loved it!  And my dad was so proud of me..I like that!

Can't wait to hear how this turns out for you and hope you love it as much as our family does!  Enjoy and Bon Appetit!








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