
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Mother's Day with Three Amazing Boys

Mother's Day with Three Amazing Boys

Parent fail or parent win? You decide...

I am about to be very real and honest with you all about something that happened Mother's Day Eve.  In one respect I am very proud and in another way I feel like a failure.  Have you ever felt this way as a mom?

This past Sunday as we all know was Mother's Day. It was Saturday evening, so Mother's Day eve if you will.  Trey was flying, both big boys were out with friends, and Graeme was sound asleep.  I had had a margarita or two and was feeling kind of sad.  I am finding at my age now booze tends to do this to me.  I was with my dear friend Lyndsy and I was blabbing on and on {imagine that} about how probably nothing would be done for me for Mother's Day.  Can you say first world problem!  I was feeling quite sorry for myself.  I mean my husband was at work and my Mom, well my mom is dead, which means no one would remember me.  At least that is what I had come up with in my mind.  So what do I do when I am feeling sorry for myself?  I get online and shop!  Doesn't everybody? 

I started researching watches because I have been wanting to upgrade my fitness watch and I really was interested in the Apple Watch.  Thank God I was wise enough to check the price before I hit buy as Trey and I have an agreement that any purchase on non necessary items over a certain amount we discuss with each other before we purchase.  I know some of you think this is absurd, but trust me it has worked for us. 


Through my research I did find the perfect alternative watch for me.  My requirements were simple.  Fitness watch that tracked steps, heart rate, calories burned, and was water proof.  The watch I ended up getting is a Fitbit Versa and it is a little over Trey and I's agreement, but I was feeling sorry for myself, tipsy, and it was Mother's Day, so I purchased it.  {I am in no way condoning my behavior nor am I encouraging this type of behavior.  I am just being honest.}


Literally, ten minutes after my purchase my oldest son Will strolls in and I started bragging about my gift I just bought myself and basically thanked him.  The look on his face was sheer pride.  He turned on his heels and walked back to his room and within minutes strolls back into the living room with a beautiful succulent he had not only purchased with his own money, but literally built for me at a store in Deep Ellum!  The boy knows his mama!  I LOVE succulents!  With joy on his face he said, "Happy Mother's Day Mama!"  Right at that moment my feelings were mixed beyond explaining!  I was over the moon proud AND I felt like a Schmuck!  I literally sent the message that I did not believe in my kids and Trey to remember me.  Those of you who know me know what happened next.  I started to cry.  

Next JP rolls in and wants to know what all the commotion was all about.  We tell him and he asked me if I want my gift then or on Mother's Day.  Yall, now I am really feeling bad!  I tell him let's wait until Mother's Day.  All I can say is thank God I waited or else I would of been in church looking like a puffer fish!  Check out below my gift from JP!  My heart was swelling with joy!

And don't let me forget sweet Graeme.  He too made me a beautiful card and "took" me shopping to pick out two beautiful necklaces! 

So as I reflect on my Mother's Day it was very special and I am so proud of my kids that I can't even stand it!  A few of my take a ways: 

  1. Time does heal and it is o.k. to enjoy Mother's Day without your mom.  That is what she would want.

  2. I need to realize Trey and I have done an incredible job by our boys and I need to give them a little more credit than I do.

  3. It is o.k. to order myself something I have been wanting for Mother's Day.  After all.....I am their Mother and it is my job that I love and this watch is a gift to myself for raising three amazing boys. 

Until next time!



  Get your kleenex out!     

Sausage Stuffed French Loaf

Sausage Stuffed French Loaf

Dear Mom,

Dear Mom,