
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Forgiveness, Love, Acts of Kindness, Loving the Unloveable....Good Stuff!

Forgiveness, Love, Acts of Kindness, Loving the Unloveable....Good Stuff!

In keeping with my Theme of "Winning in 2018" I wanted to talk to you all about a movie I watched in 2017 that really touched me.  Some of you may have read the book, some of you may have seen the movie, and others might be like me and you like to read a book before you see the movie.  I can tell you I did both.  Both the movie and the book were incredible.  My FIRST recommendation before I go any further is you get the book NOW and you read it and you go to see the movie.  It will stir something in you.  Something that is tremendous and maybe life changing.  

The Book and Movie I am referring to is, Same Kind of Different as Me.  It is a true story based on two men from two entirely different backgrounds.  One is Rich and One is Poor.  One is married, lives in a mansion in Ft. Worth,  and one is alone living in the streets of Ft. Worth. One is an art dealer and one is jobless.   One is an adulterer and one is an ex-felon and murderer.  Both are bound together by one spectacular lady.   A lady you or I will never meet, because her life was taken too soon by cancer.  However, I promise you if you read this book and watch this movie you will wish you had known her and you will learn so much about love, forgiveness, acts of kindness, loving the unloveable, patience, and the list goes on an on by what we can learn from her. 

Who does she remind you of?  She reminds me of Jesus.  Not saying she is Jesus by any stretch of the means, but I am saying we can all learn a lot from her.  Her name was Debbie Hall and she had a mission and after reading her book and seeing the movie I would like to help when and where I can to see to it that her dream continues. 

I have the fortunate honor of knowing Beth Hall, who is now married to Ron Hall.  Ron is the adulterer I spoke of above.  You have to read this book and watch this movie to understand why it is okay to say this.  You see, Ron made a mistake.  We all make mistakes.  Some bigger than others.  It is what we do with our mistakes that determines who we are.  This is what I like to think.   What did Ron do?  He asked for Forgiveness.  He asked for Forgiveness from God and from Debbie and from his family.  You might be saying is that all it takes?  In God's eyes I believe yes, however, on this earth I do believe when we hurt someone, and we all have in some capacity or another, when you ask for forgiveness and you receive it, what you do next is very important.

Debbie accepted Ron's forgiveness, but for a price.   Not money, not jewelry, not trips, not anything material.  She asked Ron to  come spend time with her in her "Happy Place" as I like to call it.  The Union Gospel Mission in downtown Ft. Worth.  She asked him to feed the homeless with her and try to look into their eyes and see them.  It took some time, but God works in mysterious ways yall and it happened!  And it happened probably with the scariest homeless man there!  Denver.  He is the ex-felon and murder I spoke of above.  As the book and movie progress you see a beautiful thing happen.  You see someone learn to love the unloveable and the unloveable learn to open up and be loved.  You see forgiveness.  You see the power of forgiveness and you see what forgiving someone who truly wants to be forgiven can do for everyone involved and people you never ever imagined would be involved.  You see the world change.  And it is a beautiful site to behold.  This movie is powerful and this book is incredible.  

Both Debbie and Denver have gone to be with Jesus, but Debbie's mission and dreams of restoring the homeless, hungry, abused, and hurting still lives.  I highly suggest you check it out at https://www.samekindofdifferentasmefoundation.org

JP was so excited to attend the Premiere of Same Kind of Different As Me and then to meet Ron....well that was just pure icing on his cake!  He is on cloud nine in this photo!

JP was so excited to attend the Premiere of Same Kind of Different As Me and then to meet Ron....well that was just pure icing on his cake!  He is on cloud nine in this photo!

While you are ordering your book and checking out the movie you can also help out by attending or donating to Dallas Dance Fitness donation-only class benefitting Same Kind of Different As Me Foundation on MLK Day in honor of MLK Day.  

So many members of DDF and their families were moved and inspired when we had the opportunity to see the movie and hear the author, Ron Hall, speak about his experiences.  The associated foundation, run by Ron and his wife Beth, who is by the way a DDF member, I am proud to say, has a stretch fundraising goal for January.  Their foundation provides emergency support for those experiencing homelessness and the agencies that serve them.  Alana our fearless leader and all of our team hope our fundraiser class will help them meet their fundraising goal and allow them to continue their great work in our community and throughout the US.  Please join us for this family-friendly dance fitness class on Monday, January 15 from 9:30-10:30AM at Dallas Powerhouse of Dance.  If you cannot attend or would like to make your donation in advance please do so here at https;//www.crowdrise.com/o/en/campaign/help-for-the-homeless9

My dance family and friends along with Ron and Beth at the Dallas Premiere of Same Kind of Different as Me.  Excuse the swollen eyes!  Trust me, the movie will pull at your heart and your tears.

My dance family and friends along with Ron and Beth at the Dallas Premiere of Same Kind of Different as Me.  Excuse the swollen eyes!  Trust me, the movie will pull at your heart and your tears.

Thank you in advance for your support of this wonderful organization!  An organization that truly understands Everybody is Worthy of Love!

Let's keep Winning in 2018!    



Same Kind of Different As Me
Starring Djimon Hounsou, Jon Voight
Buy on Amazon
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