
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Dear Will

Dear Will

Dear Will,

Tomorrow you start your junior year of high school! Are you kidding me? I cannot believe this! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone and I really cannot believe in two short years you will be off to college! That is just insane and this mama is having a hard time wrapping her head around that fact. I will get there, it will just take me some time!

In the meantime, I wanted to take a moment today to tell you and the world how proud I am of the young man you are becoming. You have such a kind spirit and your soul is so pure. I learn so much about compassion from you. Thank you for this son! I will never forget the day you made sandwiches and took them to hand out to the homeless. I had no idea where that came from and I still don't, but I know I like what I see. I see Jesus in you. I hope that never changes.

Summer of 2018 mission trip

Summer of 2018 mission trip

I also see fire in you. Whatever your interests are you go at them with passion. I know you hate when I say this to you son, but you cannot coach that into someone. You cannot coach your passion towards peoples feelings into someone, you cannot coach your love of soccer and the game into someone, you cannot coach your protective nature towards your brothers into someone. Son you are amazing! I hope you never let anyone or anything squelch your fire. You are beautiful!

As you enter into your junior year son, I hope you enter into it knowing how proud your father and I are of you. I hope you enter into it with an open mind and open eyes and I hope you enter into with a desire to continue to keep your fire burning and continue to do good. Peer pressure is real and peer pressure is hard, I know I succumbed to it once or twice. Just remain true to yourself Will and to Jesus and you will achieve more things than you ever imagined! I know because I see it in you! I cannot wait to watch your story unfold. God has big plans for you! I just know it!

I hope this year is the best year yet son!  I can't wait to see what God has in store! Remember-be a leader not a follower and Berry's NEVER quit!

All my love,


Hello, World!

Are you missing any back to school essentials! I have them for you here! Just click the link!
Dear JP

Dear JP

Dear Future Kindergartner-A letter from my son Graeme

Dear Future Kindergartner-A letter from my son Graeme