
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Dear JP

Dear JP

Dear JP!

Today is your day! You're off to great places you are off and away! That always was and always will be our book! Do you agree? I cannot believe that today you start your Sophomore Year! Where has the time gone?

Seems like only yesterday you had cracked your hard skull and you were in the MRI machine and I was reciting our book by memory to you! Do you remember that!? And look at you now kid! You have been and will continue to go off to great places! I truly believe that with my whole heart!

Big things are happening to you JP and will continue to happen! You have the "IT" factor. I see it and the world will too! Just remember to always stay true to yourself and your beliefs. Remember Jesus always. God gave you this gift of talent son! Treat it with the upmost respect and love and you will go far. I just know it! Use this talent and be a light to the world. The world needs more light and could sure use JP Berry's smile! That smile lights up a building! Not just a room!

Remember to do your best in your studies as I know the stage is your passion, but study hard and the stage will come to you. I promise. Like I told your brother Will, peer pressure is real and it is present and it is big, don't succumb to it. Be you! Don't let anyone push you into something you don't want or out of something you want just because it is not cool or they will not like you. Trust me JP, everyone will not only like you, they will love you! So you be you and shine bright my boy!

Your very first playbill add! Look at the book I recited!

Your very first playbill add! Look at the book I recited!

This year will be the best yet and I can't wait to see what God has in store! Remember-be a leader not a follower and Berry's NEVER quit!

Happy First Day of School my JP!

All my love, 


Hello, World!

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Dear Graeme

Dear Graeme

Dear Will

Dear Will