
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Dear Graeme

Dear Graeme

Dear Graeme,

So you have one day in the books as a first grader! How does it feel? Can you almost taste the guacamole and chips? Second grade will be here before you know it son and you too can order guacamole and chips. I promise! 

Until then I want you to know how proud of you Dad and I are! We thank Jesus every day for our caboose as our family would not be complete without you Graemebear! It just would not! So this year I want you to do your best, be a leader, not a follower, listen closely, and have fun! That is one of the most important things! Have fun! Life is too short and you need to know we love you just as you are! Kind, sweet, funny, and smart! 

The horseshoe I used to illustrate the story.  He is keeping it by his bed now to have a constant reminder. Love this kid!

The horseshoe I used to illustrate the story.  He is keeping it by his bed now to have a constant reminder. Love this kid!

Remember to always be a horseshoe maker! Always leave an opening for anyone who is alone and ask them into your group of buddies. Don't just be a circle maker that closes your group. Keep it open! Because then you leave room for someone Jesus wants you to love and needs you to love! I know you can do this and I know you will! Your heart is so beautiful and you have such a sweet spirit just like your big brothers! Man did I hit the jackpot from Heaven when God gave me you all!

So as you continue on in your first grade endeavors remember this: Be a leader, not a follower, always do your best, AND BERRY'S NEVER QUIT!

Love you big my beautiful Graeme!


Hello, World!

We are walking the little man to school and encouraging healthy lifestyles! This watch has helped him to see how much he moves or does not move!
Amy's August Book Review

Amy's August Book Review

Dear JP

Dear JP