
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Dear Future Kindergartner-A letter from my son Graeme

Dear Future Kindergartner-A letter from my son Graeme

With school about to begin I thought it would be fun to interview my kids on what their experiences were like last year and what they hoped to learn this year. Well, the teens were having no part of it, but the little guy jumped right on it and had a lot to say actually! I so wish I had done this with the first two so I could watch their brains grow. I guess 1 out of the 3 is not bad!

Dear future Kindergartner,

Hi! My name is Graeme and I was in Miss Rumsey's Kindergarten class last year.  Here are a few things you should know about Miss Rumsey. 

Three things that made Miss Rumsey smile:

Miss Rumsey smiles with all her kids because she was born to be a teacher! What a gift she was to our family and still is!

Miss Rumsey smiles with all her kids because she was born to be a teacher! What a gift she was to our family and still is!

  1. When I was encouraging to my friends. Miss Rumsey really likes it when you encourage others so always think about that. Especially if someone has a bad day and drops their tray in the lunch line. She likes to see you help pick it up and make them smile.

  2. Being Self Kind-What I mean here is not being selfish. Show others what is the right thing to do especially if something is wrong.

  3. Being Self Respect-Show others how you will treat them and yourself and then they will know how to treat you.

Three classroom rules to remember are:

  1. Whole body listening. Basically sit still and don't move. Don't touch others and keep your eyes on the person speaking.

  2. Be safe. No running in the halls.  That can be unsafe.

  3. Be respectful of things you use everyday like glue, books, pencils, notebook, you know stuff you need to learn.

Three things you will learn if you are going into Kindergarten.

  1. Subtraction

  2. How to divide

  3. Respect. That is a big one. One my mom and dad teach too, but you will learn that at school I promise.

My favorite thing about being a Kindergartner.

  1. Head person of the whole school. Meaning first goes last because in my school the Kindergartners always went first and the fourth graders were last.

  2. Gym and Music. They were so fun.

  3. Spanish and art! I don't want to forget art. I created a lot of master pieces and my mom framed them and put them around the house.

My advice to you if you are going in to Kindergarten:

Have fun! Do what you are suppose to do! Be a leader. Not a follower! Because Berry's never quit! That is what my mom and dad say to us everyday before school.

Things I will be looking forward to as a first grader.

The Boy Loves his food so he is so not kidding about the chips and guac!

The Boy Loves his food so he is so not kidding about the chips and guac!

  1. Getting closer to being able to order chips and guacamole. You get to do that at my school starting in second grade.

  2. Finding out who my teacher is! I really want Mrs. Savage, but my mom says I will be happy with whoever I get! I guess she is right! I have always loved all my teachers! And that is what I will miss most about Kindergarten. My teacher Miss Rumsey! If you are  lucky enough to get her please give her a hug from me!

Your friend,


Hello, World!

If you have sweaty feet like I do you really need these shoes for school! My mom found them and they are AMAZING! Get your mom to get you a pair and be like me and have dry feet at the end of the day!
Dear Will

Dear Will

Thinking of Cruising? Tips to Help You Have an Amazing Experience

Thinking of Cruising? Tips to Help You Have an Amazing Experience