
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Jesus and Joe....Or Joe and Jesus?

Jesus and Joe....Or Joe and Jesus?

Come away with me to a quiet place and rest awhile-JesusMark6:31

Come away with me to a quiet place and rest awhile-Jesus


So I wish I could tell you I wake up EVERY day and spent my first 15 minutes with God....BUT, I can't!  The truth is,  my first 15 minutes are spent making coffee, getting the pup to pee,  (me too if I am being 100 percent honest), and depending on the day....well, who knows what else.  I am a mother of three boys!  IF we are speaking the Truth, and we are....that should NOT be an excuse...but I am me and....well....it is...Do you know why I would like to spend my first 15 with God?  Because it helps me to get grounded for the Day!  

Here is what it does for me....

  • It strengthens my relationship with God (duh)!   With God  I can be 100 percent honest with where I am in my life and what is truly spinning me out....because there is alot in this day and age that spins me out!  

  • It reminds me to Count my MANY MANY MANY blessings and I am reminded that I have been made right in God's image because of what Jesus did for me and for you.

  • And lastly I can reflect on the people in my life...my husband, our marriage, my boys, our relationships,  my father and siblings, my friends, you guys, my little "angels of the day", those that have left this world and the list goes on and on..... 

This is what the first 15 does for me and my heart is in the right place...it's just some days it just does not happen!  Heck some weeks it does not happen!  Oh Heck!  Let's be real honest!!!! I have been known to go MONTHS with it not happening!  But, it does not change the simple fact that, regardless, my Father in Heaven loves me!  I know this....and I don't take advantage of it....Life just sometimes....well, it gets busy, it gets messy, and sometimes....truthfully....it gets easy....Ya you heard me.....easy.....and I get lazy!  It's a fact......Nothing I am proud of, but it is the cold hard truth....So my goal is now Jesus and Joe....but honestly it is Joe and Jesus....because I am not the nicest without Joe......




My Cup Runneth over
— Psalm 23:5
Quick and Healthy | A 15-minute Dinner

Quick and Healthy | A 15-minute Dinner

Easy Salad for An Outdoor Gathering - Marinated Cole Slaw Salad

Easy Salad for An Outdoor Gathering - Marinated Cole Slaw Salad