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Guest Post:  Brett East...friend and oily guru

Guest Post: Brett East...friend and oily guru

This month, to kick off your new year and new you and some of Amy's wins, I asked my friend Brett to chat with you about her experience with oils and how they have changed her family's life.  From cleaning supplies to health benefits.  

Believe it or not, I am a big believer in oils and we do use them in the Berry house.  I can't say I am 100 percent Chemical free like Brett, but I can say we use the oils and they work.  When I was looking at my wins I discussed with you, one was health. Believe it or not and knock on some major wood, we were healthier in 2017.  Less doctors visits and our pharmaceutical bill went down.  I am sure there are a lot of reasons why, but I firmly believe one is that I have incorporated oils into our lifestyle. It took about 8 months, but now even the men, ALL THE MEN, in the Berry house believe in the power of the oils.   So I asked Brett to share her story with you all in the event someone out there is looking to up their wellness game.  Maybe this will be one of your wins for 2018!  

Brett's Story:

I began my chemical-free journey a few years ago when I started wanting my kids to pitch in with the household chores. Being a mom of 3, I felt like this would be a wise move for my sanity. Every time they cleaned the bathroom with the cleaner I’d been using for years, they would complain about how the yucky fumes made it hard for them to breathe. It had never occurred to me that what I had been using could potentially be harmful to them (or me)! So I started looking around for cleaning supplies that were chemical free, or at least, safer for kids. I found some that I was mostly happy with, but I still felt like something was lacking. It took a while, but I finally found something I could be happy with when I unexpectedly encountered Young Living Essential Oils.

Cleaning products aside, a whole new world opened up to me of possibilities for my (and my family’s) wellness. I wasn’t really open to thinking that oils could “work.” I had no basis for my negative opinion—I had never even tried them! I guess I was simply happy with how my life was moving and how our wellness was being taken care of through traditional, albeit potentially dangerous, methods.  The first time I tried a Young Living essential oil I was blown away at its effectiveness.

From then on, each time I tried a new oil for a wellness conundrum, I was amazed at how they actually worked and did what they said they could do. I still find myself wondering if there is, indeed, “an oil for that.” And each time I seek, I seem to find. I am so happy with what Young Living is doing for us. Not only is Young Living providing a way for us to have a chemical free way of life through each of their wellness lines, it is providing me an opportunity to stay at home with my kiddos and still earn some much appreciated mad money on the side! And a total bonus that I NEVER expected to come from it? I meet the most spectacular friends, like Amy. I am inspired daily by the amazing people who have come into my life through this oily endeavor.


I hope you can, like me, allow yourself a space where every tiny change made is a change for the better. And I certainly welcome any change-seekers on this oily journey of mine!


I hope you have enjoyed Brett's story and if you have any questions or would like more information as to how to join the oily train you can find her at: instagram: @oilypeopleoftheworld or her webpage is: https://oily.life/oilypeopleoftheworld/ 



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