
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Choose Life: On Becoming a Dance Instructor

Choose Life: On Becoming a Dance Instructor

Working Through Grief By Dancing

You guys are starting to learn a lot about me I think through my writing, but one thing I have failed to touch on is my LOVE of dancing!  I don't know what happens to me, but when the music comes on and I begin the steps, it's like I go into this other world.  I am serious! It is like whatever is going on around me just goes away like magic and it's just me, the music, and the moves.  It is very cathartic at times, very healing at other times, and just a full out party.  A party that I get to attend and forget what is happening around me.  

Last July, after a dance class I had just taken, my now mentor, Alana, approached me about teaching.  Her timing could not have been more perfect.  You see, It was in June that my mom started not feeling well and we started trying to figure out what was going on with her.  So when Alana, questioned me about wanting to teach dance I JUMPED at the offer.  

Dancing for me is living.  

I started the training process, and I am proud to say I am now a teacher.  I dance a minimum of 3 days a week, but try hard to go 5.  Believe me, I don't just jump up and say, "It's a dance day!'

No, it is me waking up those days and saying I choose to live. I actually do this most days!  It is hard to get up and get moving.   I totally get and understand the numbing effects of sadness and depression and just not wanting to engage, but I also know that refusing to get up and do something about it is choosing to die.

I know depression is real.

Another side note about me, I have suffered from Clinical depression since the age of 16.  I understand more than you will know, not wanting to get up.   

When life throws pain at you when you already fighting most morning just to get up, well...let's just say, somedays I know it would be so much easier just to take to the bed and NEVER get up.  But you have to!  You have to most importantly for yourself and then for those around you.

So I want to challenge you!

I am challenging you to choose life!  

Choose life, turn toward God and open your heart and your mind  to the new joys in life as well as the additional sorrows.  

Find what will help you dance through life. Who knows, maybe it will be dancing with me!  I would love for you to come to my class!  It would bring me so much joy!  But, if dancing is not your thing, find what is, embrace it. It does not matter how old you are!  Look at me!  I started teaching dance at the ripe young age of 46!  So find it, embrace it, and hold on to it!  

May you too find your dance of life.




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