
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Chicken & Rice Soup - My Way (Paleo-ish)

Chicken & Rice Soup - My Way (Paleo-ish)

About a year ago, I decided to change the way I ate.  I am not a hard core paleo mama by any stretch of the imagination, but I do try.  My motto in life is  pretty much anything and everything in moderation.   This would include my diet.  You may or may not see me indulge in a coke here and there and you will FOR SURE see me indulge in Vino and Vodka and the list goes on and on.  But, for the most part, I do try.  

One thing I started doing last year, with the help of Primal Mom, (check her out on Facebook) was I  started cooking breakfast and lunch for the week on Sunday.  Truth be told, not every Sunday, but a lot of Sundays.  

This Sunday I made my version of her Chicken and Rice Soup.  Y'all this stuff is AMAZING!  My six year old even loves it!  And did I mention it has bacon in it?  Who doesn't love bacon?  

I am going to share my version with you all today.  You should try it, and if you are wanting to make the change to healthy eating, you really should look Primal Mom up on Facebook!  I promise.  Her recipes are amazing and she helps you every step of the way!  And you might even get the added benefit of weight loss...just saying.....So try the soup and look up Primal Mom!  I promise neither will disappoint!


Recipe for Primal Mom's Chicken and Rice Soup (mostly...I changed one or two things to fit my family)


3 Chicken Breast

1/2 lb bacon

chopped up celery and onion (I go to Tom Thumb or Central Market and get the box they chopped up that day of celery and onion)

bag of small skinny carrots

Trader Joes cauliflower rice

Chopped Garlic like as much as you want I take 6 spoonfuls from the jar

4 Cups of Bone Broth

1 Cup of heavy whipping cream

2 teaspoons Red pepper flakes

1 Tablespoon Dried Thyme



chop your bacon

Season your chicken (I use dowry's season salt, Himalayan salt and pepper) Cut chicken into small pieces


In a large pot over medium heat cook bacon

When bacon done add chicken and cook through.  Add ALL remaining ingredients, EXCEPT CREAM, cover and simmer for 1.5 hours

When done add the cream and mix well

Serve immediately or let cool and store in refrigerator and you will have lunch ready for the next 5 days!  Easy Peasy Lemmon Squeasy!

Bon Apetit!



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