
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Life in a Locker Room - On Being a Boy Mom

Life in a Locker Room - On Being a Boy Mom

I know I mentioned that I am the mother of Three Beautiful, talented, loving boys who could not be more different.  I love this about each of them and embrace their differences with Grace and joy, but, I have to confess, raising boys is exciting and fun,  BUT the truth is....raising boys is quite disgusting at times and VERY messy.   Don't get me wrong, I love my little monkeys, but life is so crazy and messy!  I read this quote once and it stuck with me because OMG is it SOOOOO true....


MY friend asked me what it was like to live in a house full of boys so I peed on her bathroom floor, ate everything in their fridge, told her 800 stories about Minecraft, farted 20 times, and when she was ready to kill me I gave her a hug and told her she was pretty.

Graeme and Princess Zoey

Graeme and Princess Zoey

Will and John Paul all dolled up for Homecoming.... 

Will and John Paul all dolled up for Homecoming....


Yep!  That pretty much sums up my life in a nutshell!  Messy and funny and full of Love.  Boys just have this way....they can drive you to the brink of exhaustion and anger and then look at you and give you this dirty stinky hug, with this smile that melts your heart, and tell you how pretty you are and you just melt!  It is the craziest thing!  

I will NEVER FORGET the day I realized God's plan for me was LIFE IN A LOCKER ROOM!  It was December 13, 2010 and Trey, Will, JP and I were at the Doctors office finding out the Sex of our Miracle baby.....I just knew Graeme was a girl.  This had been by far my easiest pregnancy!  I mean with Will and JP I puked my life up all day everyday and I was hooked up to IV's and had a homecare nurse, but not with this one...I did a triathlon 9 weeks pregnant and did really good!  How could this be a boy!  Well JOKES ON ME!  I hear the Doc announce, "Congrats!  Its a boy!"  I remember thinking, "Seriously God!  Seriously this is your plan!  Life in a Locker Room!"  I remember looking to Trey and seeing Relief all over his face, which honestly infuriated me!  How could he be relieved!  I wanted a girl! Then I remember looking at Will and Jp and thinking, OK pull your you know what together!  These two are looking at an alien on the big screen and probably thinking, "Seriously!  You guys are excited about my baby brother looking like an alien!" So at that moment in time on December 13 I had the first of many breakdowns about being a mother of boys....but since then I have embraced it and realized that being a boy mom is a treasure and I basically live in a crazy house run by a tiny army that with God's help, I, with the help of Trey made and I am proud of it and in love!  

So as my story unfolds and you get to know me and my tribe more, you will see that my life is messy, exciting, fun, full of laughter, sometimes tears, sometimes frustration,  lots of hugs, many days of asking for forgiveness, but all the while trying to remain steadfast in our foundation of the Lord and so full of love my heart could burst.  As I bring you into my life, you will see my style is basically workout clothes, though I will try to ramp it up at times.  My home is made up of ikea furniture and garage sale finds, because if it gets ruined I don't pitch a hissy fit.  You will learn we do everything from Soccer to dance lessons....Yes, I am a Soccer mom and a Dance mom!  You will learn how God showed me not to pigeon hole my son into sports just because I thought, "he is a boy he should be athletic" and You will learn how I am still watching God unfold the mystery of what my six year old's passion will be... all the while living in my Locker Room and loving it!  Won't you join me and watch as our story unfolds.....I promise it will be one exciting Ride.



She is not here...

She is not here...

Quick and Healthy | A 15-minute Dinner

Quick and Healthy | A 15-minute Dinner