
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

This Girl Is On Fire!

This Girl Is On Fire!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

How are we doing? I am here to report I am doing IN-FREAKING- CREDIBLE!

I really cannot believe it either considering all the meds that I am clearing from my system!

So what does that mean?

Well, the Doc has me doing what is known as a medical wash out. When we first discussed it I was super scared because he warned me that life would “suck”, as he put it, for a while. I asked how long and what to expect and he said everyone is different, but withdraw can be hard on some. Chills, sweats, dry mouth, shakes, insomnia, nausea, exhaustion, and I am happy to report the only side effect I have experienced thus far is insomnia. KNOCK ON WOOD FAST!

I really cannot believe it and I was totally prepared to get subs for dance, not take on any coaching clients, and just take her easy. When I tell you I feel like a new person, I mean it!!!!

NEW PERSON! It is wild.

I was told that these washes can take 6-12 months to really clear your system so I am thinking I am going to feel GREAT come fall! Half this battle is mindset! And a little bit of insomnia…well I can handle that!

So what am I doing different besides not taking any pharmaceuticals?

I have really cleaned up my diet to help my gut along. I have added a quad biotic that I think is helping tremendously. AND I am getting certified in MELT which is a gentle treatment technique that enhances mobility, stability, and performance and is clinically proven to reduce chronic pain. I swear this certification came right on time and I firmly believe this practice is really helping me in this wash. I cannot wait to be certified and bring it to all my friends in pain, wanting to increase their athletic performance, or overall mobility.

So if you are one of my friends who suffers with chronic pain, plantar fasciitis, bunion issues, or just want to increase your athletic performance and or mobility….Hit me up come July 22 because your girl here will be certified and ready to take on clients.

For now, know that I so appreciate all your well wished and prayers…..keep them coming because I truly feel them…and know that I am doing GREAT!

I am hoping to start sharing all my new amazing recipes and tricks for health I am learning because THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE!

Stay Tuned!!!!!

Until Next Time,




Hey! It's Worthy!

Hey! It's Worthy!