
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!



Praise Report!

Just got home from the doctor and I have wild, a little confusing, but amazing news!!!!! So, I will try, to the best of my ability, to communicate what is happening with my body.


I really don’t have many answers and things still don’t make a lot of sense, but I am hopeful and I have a plan for now and that is half the battle.

So, whatever this is on my pituitary gland it is 2mm. The reason I say whatever it is, well, my prolactin levels have gone back into the normal range. High Prolactin was the reason we got the MRI in the first place. So this literally could just be a shadow or a spot due to menopause. Like I said above, being a woman ain’t easy.

Here is where things get a little fuzzy.

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto back in 2020. Dr. Fordan is now saying, “Let’s table that diagnosis.”

UM OK….”So I don’t have Hashimoto?”

Not necessarily, but the meds I am on could be masking the prolactinoma and bringing the prolactin down but doing nothing for the “spot” on my pituitary gland. If in fact it is a tumor you want to dissolve it. Not mask it.

It’s time to FISH OR CUT BAIT

If I fish we treat all my menopausal symptoms and throw all kinds of hormones at me, which can increase risk of cancer in my breast, ovaries, and grow the tumor (if that is what this spot is). The pro to this approach is I will feel like me again and better than I feel now, which somedays it is hard for me to get out of bed.


I cut bait and stop all medicine I am on including my anti depressant, my thyroid (Hashimoto) meds, and current hormones. The cons of this are my quality of life will more than likely suffer, however, the pro is that it will give the doctor a complete clean slate and we can see what happens with my prolactin and this spot on my pituitary.


This scares me. I have been on antidepressants since I had my cry for help in 1994. I know Trey will be watching me closely and I know I am a warrior and will speak up should I need them.

What about the vision issues and dizzy spells?

Could just be menopause, could be the tumor, could be something else we find once my body clears all this medicine I am on, which will take time and patience.

I really do like this Doctors approach

How often do you find a doc that says, “Let’s stop throwing paint on the wall and seeing what works….let’s start clean. This thing is 2mm. We have time. Let’s approach this with a clean wall. Yes, it will be hard to clean your system and your lifestyle will suck, but it will be worth it to get this right. And what if we find you don’t need any of those meds! How cool will that be?” When he put it that way I was all in.

So I may suffer for a bit….timing is perfect…Summer time when things slow down

I will really need to listen to my body and speak up when I need help. Ask for subs, maybe even cut back if I find that it is really wearing me down. I can do that to get the answers I need. I may say “NO” a lot more than I already do. I may sleep more than I do. That is ok….anything over a tumor is fine by me. So for now I will let my system clean itself. I will help it with clean eating, exercise for a min. of 30 minutes a day no matter how tired, watch my alcohol intake, and know that I can do this. I can do anything because I have three loyal friends. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost and they will help me especially on the bad days.


If my symptoms get unmanageable I will go back to Dr. Fordan sooner, but for now we have the next appointment set for August 31 where we will recheck the prolactin levels and another MRI in December to compare with the first image.

So for now….there is nothing to see here other than a woman in menopause who will be detoxing her body and continuing to blog….AND a woman is who so grateful for all your prayers, your positive vibes, and your love!

Love you all!





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