
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Life and What's New

Life and What's New

Hi! I feel as if I should reintroduce myself. It has been awhile, but honestly when I look back it has not been too long ago. I did do a book review in April, but blogging, well, that has been awhile.

A lot has happened since we last talked. Graeme graduated 4th grade and gets to move along to 5th! Praise God! No, in all seriousness he is a great student and loves math and reading.

Graeme and his amazing teacher Mrs. Oliver. True story….after graduation walking to the parking lot he was in tears and I said, “What’s wrong buddy?” His response….”Mom Mrs. Oliver is the first teacher to believe in me since Kindergarten…I am really going to miss her.” (cue the tears)

JP finished his first year at Carnegie Mellon and while it was a rough year I know he is loving every minute of it and really learning a lot about film, voice, theatre, dance, lights, sounds, camera, and action! It is so fun to watch and hear about.

JP and Grubba as we celebrated me kicking Lil B!

Will just finished up his second year at The University of Arkansas where he is loving life! He is loving his fraternity, Pi Kappa Alpha (PIKE), and still figuring out what road he wants to take for his future. I know whatever he decides he will do GREAT! He is such a hard worker and I know that boy will do GREAT things.

Will and Gramzee celebrating….

Trey has moved into an instructor position at Southwest Airlines and as I am writing this, I am realizing now God has had his hand in all of this. What is this? Well, I have been diagnosed with a prolactinoma.

My hottie aviator!

What is a prolactinoma? So far this is what I know. A prolactinoma is a benign (noncancerous) tumor of the pituitary gland that produces a hormone called prolactin. I know that the pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain and it controls the production of many hormones, which makes this real fun seeing I am 51 and in “Peri Menopause”! Hell, I might be in full blown menopause but this little bitch (aka lil b) is wreaking so much havoc nobody REALLY knows yet. (More about this in future post)

Good news is this is benign. Bad news is… like I said before it is wreaking havoc on my hormones. I show that I am a lactating and my vision has been affected. Hopefully once we eradicate this lil b or at the very least shrink it my vision will correct itself. God willing as my Grandma Foley used to say. And from what I am learning, if you shrink the tumor you consider that a win! Not sure I like that, but it might be what I have to accept.

This Wednesday we will be meeting with a specialist to discuss options to get rid of or at the very least, shrink this thing. As I know more I will keep you updated, but know this. I am a fighter. This lil b will not win! I know God has me and I know he has a plan for me. God is bigger than this lil bump in my head and God will carry me through. I know he will.

There is so much to be thankful for in my diagnosis.

  1. My tumor is benign

  2. My husband is an instructor and home at nights which will be a huge blessing if this medicine makes me sick or I have to have surgery.

  3. There is medicine, if that does not work there is surgery, and should that not work there is radiation…I have three options and I have three friends with me at all times carrying me through…The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost.


I have decided after visiting with another gal who has a “noma nuisance” like me, I will use my blog as a way to keep you updated. She had suggested a caring bridge, but I thought, “You know, I really miss writing so why not take it to Worthy Heart.” So here we are….on another Journey of Faith and Worthiness Together…..

Until next time,



aka Worthy!



Still You

Still You