
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

You Are A Good Parent And Your Kid Is A Good Kid

You Are A Good Parent And Your Kid Is A Good Kid

Did you read that title? Did you let it soak in? If you are a parent read it again. YOU ARE A GOOD PARENT AND YOUR KID IS A GOOD KID! YEP! That is right you are a good parent! If your kid is Juuling you are a good parent! Why do I feel the need to say this?

Because last week I wrote an article on Juuling and if you missed it you can catch that here, but I got more messages, phone calls, emails, articles, thank you’s, and questions than I ever have on any other post. I got messages from parents in Alabama, Texas, Georgia, and Colorado about their kids in the hospital with a respiratory illness that they think is because of the vape. Yall, these are people I don’t even know and my heart hurts for them and for the children. But the messages that hurt me the most were the ones of parents thinking they are bad because their child vapes and that my friend is a lie from the devil himself. You are not a bad parent if your child vapes.

Kids are kids and kids will try almost anything and do almost anything to fit in. Not all kids, but most. They are so desperate to be liked, to be included, to fit in, and to be popular (GOD I HATE THAT WORD) and it just is what it is. Why? Because their brains are literally wired that way. I personally believe it is worse now than ever due to all the pressures of social media (ironic that I am a blogger) on top of the always present peer pressure, social anxiety, expectations from peers, parents, teachers, coaches, colleges, jobs, and the list goes on and on.

Did you know that it is scientifically proven that the teenage prefrontal cortex-the area of the brain responsible for planning, decision making, personality, and social behavior-is actually pruning itself during these delicate years….that’s right! Pruning itself….killing off areas to make room for adult brainhood if you will. No wonder their personality switches on a dime and their choices seem less than reasonable…While the prefrontal cortex is pruning itself, and growing itself for adulthood, our kids are super duper vulnerable! It explains why they think the world sees them as they see themselves….which by the way, more often than not, is not a pretty sight, in their eyes. No wonder they are so self conscious and this explains why they are obsessed with how others see and like them which makes fitting in top priority and in turn makes it very easy to make poor choices.

Case in point: Juuling! And honest to God, our kids don’t have a chance if they buy into the marketing that the makers of Juul have so eloquently come up with. And they will because their poor brain is in pruning season! And the marketing is literally geared towards taking advantage of that fact! They have bright fun colors, amazing fun taste, and young beautiful models, not to mention they claim that it is better for you than traditional cigarettes! Honestly, how can than say that? Because the traditional cigarette has 8 cancer causing chemicals and the Juul only has 5! Well from where I am sitting 5 vs 8 cancer causing chemicals….cancer still wins! But I don’t really matter now do I!? I am just a mom with kids who the makers of Juul would rather make millions off of regardless of if they die or their friends do. Point being if our kids brains are already wired towards just being included regardless of the consequence, even if that is your life, if it is flashy, pretty, tasty, oh and you get a quick buzz, well their brain says, “I am in, what do I got to do!”

Here’s the deal, we can’t change their brains, but we can open up communication and shut down this epidemic.

This epidemic is real and it is scary and I think it might be scarier than the CDC, surgeon general, or whoever ever thought. Something has to happen!

What is that something? I do not know quite honestly. What I do know is alot can happen under your own roof and it starts with talking. Plain and simple. Talk to your kids. Educate yourself. Educate them. Tell them you are going to test them. YES! Test them.

Why do I say test them? Well, I am working on a post to show you how they are hiding this evil and it will blow your mind. Kids are doing it under their parents nose and parents don’t even know! Trust me! I know. And the thought of, “Not my kid.” I will still challenge you to talk to your kid, educate your kid, and yes test your kid. Help them. I explained to you above how their brains just can’t reason so why not give them an out. The worst thing that will happen is they will test positive and guess what, now you have something to talk about. Just like if they test negative…..you still have something to talk about.

So will you join me in my mission? Will you start the conversation under your roof? I promise our kids are depending on us to do this and I promise lives are depending on us to do this. Who’s with me?

Until next time,



Laura's Beau Monde Salad

Laura's Beau Monde Salad

August Book Review

August Book Review