
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Laura's Beau Monde Salad

Laura's Beau Monde Salad

I am not really much of a salad girl, but, I was at my girlfriend Laura’s the other night and she had this salad that was to die for! I remember asking, “What the heck is this?” There was a distinct taste in it that was so good I could not get enough of it. I asked her for the reciepe which she so graciously gave me and I played around with it until it was just right for my family and me. If you like salad you really have to give this a whirl.



1 bag of hearts of romain

Juice from 1 lemon

1/4 cup olive oil

8 green onions chopped

2 avacados cut up

black pepper (as much as your family likes)

1 tablespoon beau monde seasoning

Shredded parmesan cheese (again as much as your family likes)


In the bottom of a large bowl mix your olive oil, lemon juice, beau monde seasoning, green onions, avacado, black pepper. Place your hearts of romain on top and refrigerate. When you are ready to serve toss with parmesan cheese and serve.

Oh so good especially with chicken!

Bon Appetit!


Simple Supper Suggestions #10

Simple Supper Suggestions #10

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