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January Book Review

January Book Review

It's here!  My first book review of 2018!  Well kinda, seeing that I actually did an entire post on two of the books I read this month!  But that is because they were so good!  It also helped that I actually knew the authors and it was so cool to read my friends books!  I will recap both those books here as well, but if you did not get a chance to see those post you should check them out.  My friends are amazing and their stories are even more amazing! So grab a cup of joe and sit back and read.  I have read FIVE books this month and not one of them disappoints!

My first book to pick up this month was Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan and I loved, loved, loved, this book!  Now I will not lie, when I bought it, I was quite uncomfortable carrying it to the counter to check out.  I mean look at the title!  But then the nice lady checking me out told me not to worry that the man who wrote it is Asian and that solved that! This book will grab your attention immediately and have you rolling in your chair!  It is hysterical and just like the title the book is about crazy rich asians!  It opens with a cute little asian couple dating in New York City and they are going back to Singapore to meet the boyfriends family.  She has no clue what she is walking into and let's just say it is what I imagine The Housewives of Singapore on steroids would look like.  I kept asking my friend Shirley, who is asian, is this stuff for real over there?  Apparently it is which has me even more intrigued.  Now I kind of want to put Singapore on the bucket list!  I mean that good yall!  This book is light and funny, but I think anyone who picks it up will get a kick out of it!  I highly suggest this book to any and all readers!  

For Christmas, my amazing friend Lyndsy got me the best gift you could ever give a friend who loves to read!  Four books and a candle!  Thank you Blizzard!  The first one I opened I could not put down!  It was so cute and charming and had my attention from the get go!  It is The Wedding Bees: A Novel of Honey, Love, and Manners by Sarah-Kate Lynch.  This is a sweet story of love, manners, a difficult mom,  and friendships that you cultivate over time.   It really teaches the idea of you really don't know someones story until you take time with them and just love them where they are.  I love that!  And I love the main character in this book, Sugar.  Sugar is a bee keeper who let's her bees dictate where she will live and low and behold because of her bees she finds love and beautiful quirky friends in an apartment in New York City.  She learns to forgive herself and her past and she teaches people how to truly love themselves all the while they are teaching her how to let others love her.  This book is a great book to pick up on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, cuddled up on the couch, and just let yourself go!  I loved this book and I know you will too!

My next book to complete this month I actually started a while back and started as a study by myself.  It is Let God be God: Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Job by Ray C. Stedman.  Let me say this book was life changing for me.  I actually started it because I was struggling with the question of, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"  When I googled, (yes that is how I found this book) that particular question,  this book popped up and I thought what the heck!  And boy am I glad I listened to myself and ordered it.  Yall, I dove into this book every morning and I mean dove!  It was talking to me on so many levels!  Levels of pain and fear I did not even know were in there and then something else happened that was nothing short of miraculous, I began to change and I mean really change.  I could feel the Holy Spirit and I could feel myself being drawn to Him.  This is a wonderful feeling when you have been wallowing in your sorrow or whatever it is.  I was actually finding joy in my pain and I was actually thankful for it!  No this does not happen every time something goes wrong, but you can bet your bottom dollar this book stays by bed as a constant reminder to let God be God both in times of pain and in times of joy.  If you are looking to grow in your relationship with Christ  or if you are looking for answers to why is this happening to me or to my loved one, then this book is for you!  Let Job be your example like he is for me as to Why Bad Things Happen to Good People.  Get this book, dive into it daily, and I mean deep, and watch the Holy Spirit take over and the miracle of peace overcome you.  What do you have to lose?

My next two books I actually blogged about this past month so I will just do a quick recap and link you back to the original post.  I will not lie, both books are tough true stories, but both books have beautiful outcomes, and both books might inspire you to be more than you ever thought you could be. 

First one is Same Kind of Different as Me: a modern-day slave, an international art dealer, and the unlikely woman who bound them together written by Ron Hall, Denver Moore, and Lynn Vincent.  In a nutshell this story is about forgiveness and redemption and seeing and loving people for who they are.  No matter who that is.  Whether they are an adulterer, murder, poor, rich, you name it.  It is about love and it is about giving back.  It is a story that will move you to tears and teach you that even the unlovable is lovable.  It is a story that will change how you see the world.  I highly recommend reading the book and if you can seeing the movie.  It is truly amazing.  If you missed my post on it and would like to read it click here:  https://worthyheart.com/blog/2018/1/8/same-kind-of-different-as-me



For my last book this month I read Borrowed Courage by Tova Sido.  Want to talk about a story that will move you.  My friend Tova is one of the most courageous, beautiful, kind, and loving individuals I know and boy does she have a story!   I have learned so much about faith, courage, and strength from her story and I know you will too.  If you missed my post on it this month you can read that here:  https://worthyheart.com/blog/2018/1/24/1xolteatcmaifb165qpkcdjzxft6q2

So as you can see I read a lot this month, but every book I read was amazing.  Not one disappointed me and all of them were page turners.  Some made me cry for sure, but they all made me laugh at times.  I think you guys will enjoy them all! 

Would love to know what is in your line up of books.  Thinking for the month of February I might do all LOVE stories, but the one I am reading now is pretty dark...did not mean for that to happen, just did, so give me some ideas please!  Always love to hear your suggestions!   Happy reading my friends!




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