
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

How we Met

How we Met

It was a rainy day in August- way back in 1991.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  It was my first day on the job at the Physical Education Building at the University of North Texas.  Julie Lane and I were working the door, checking student ID's, and making sure each person who came through was a legit student at the University.  I remember looking down the long hall and watching the most handsome guy I had ever seen coming towards us.  I looked at Julie and literally said that day, "I am going to marry that guy!"

Would you believe when Trey got to the door he did not have his student I.D. on him!  I was so upset because I fell in love right there and I had to tell this hunk of a guy, "I am so sorry, but you have to have your I.D.?"  I remember he was very kind, but he did ask us to please let him in, not to mention it was storming outside so he was going to have to walk all the way back to his dorm.  I felt horrible, as did Julie, but we were new to the job and we just couldn't do it.  

As luck would have it, Trey figured out real quick that the dorm I lived in was the sorority dorm full of women and our cafeteria was the best! For the next three months we would see each other at the gym or in the cafeteria and EVERY time I saw him my heart would skip a beat or two! Not kidding. Slowly but surely we started talking and in December I finally got the guts to invite him out on the town with my friends and I. It was December 13, 1991 and I remember it like it was yesterday.

Circa 1992….Trey, Hogan, and I

Circa 1992….Trey, Hogan, and I

I found this dog and wanted him to meet her. He probably thought I was crazy because I snuck her into my dorm for the next few days until we broke for Christmas break, but he came over, we went out on the town, ate pizza and returned back to the dorm to let my adorably ugly pooch out. It was there that we had our first kiss. I remember that like it was yesterday! I was holding Hogan, my dog, and he said, “Have you ever had a Hogan Bologna sandwich?” I turned to look at him confused and right there with Hogan between us I had my first of many Hogan Bologna sandwiches and I saw and felt fireworks in my heart and in my veins. I knew that day he was mine….but as with anything else in life it was a long hard road to get to where we are today.


NINE YEARS to be exact! I won’t bore you with all the details and maybe someday I will share more of the powerful stories that shaped us into the couple we are today, but yes NINE years! We were together from 1991-1994 when we broke up for many reasons. Trey then went into the US NAVY and I was out on that! I still remember my dad saying, “Amy he is going to land planes on a moving ship in the middle of the ocean!” Want to know what my ignorant response was? I am embarrassed to tell ya, but here ya go: “Dad, Top Gun was in the 80’s! It is not cool anymore and not part of my plan!” WHAT THE WHAT! Yep pure ignorance because I do understand today what a badd ass my husband is and was…..sorry for the curse word, but I had to get my emphasis across because he truly is remarkable!

During the next 5 years we did a little dance of get back together, break up, make up, break up, meet other people and get involved, call one or the other, get back together, break up….you get the picture. Bottom line we had a lot of growing to do individually and spiritually and every person we met along that road was not in vain. We both became better for ourselves and for each other. I truly believe that.

FINALLY in November of 1999 Trey asked me to meet him at his Fly In, which is when the guys who have been overseas come back and fly off the ship back into the squadron. Pretty neat experience. I basically said, “Um, we are not dating and I have plans!” Cold blooded I know! I was scared and fear makes us do things that are not healthy, but fear can also push us in a good direction if we just embrace it. I am happy to say I did and guess what….I surprised him at the fly in!

Y’all, I remember walking into that hanger with my now mother in law and her parents and sister and thinking, “What the hell have I done! I bet one of these pretty chicks are here for him! I bet he called the next gal in line!” What was I thinking? There it is again….irrational fear!

I assure you it was irrational because there was no other woman there for him, but me and what a reunion we had! I remember his Grandpa at dinner the next night kept saying, “This is going to be THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!” At the time I just thought he meant because “his Trey” was back. NOPE! It was because he knew Trey would be proposing…..

Funny story on that-It was around December 20th or so and Trey drove to my hometown of Graham, Texas to ask my father for my hand in marriage. I had no idea mind you and we were not dating technically. As a matter of fact if memory serves me right I was dating like 3 guys! No lie! Not seriously, just having fun, but still!!!!!! So, when Trey ask my father of course my father gave him his blessing, but when Trey asked him about jewelers in Graham my dad choked and said, “Aren’t you putting the cart before the horse…shouldn’t you ask her first?” When I asked my father later why he literally said, “Amy you were a loose cannon at that time and I had no idea what you would say!” Ha! I love that story! Lucky for me my dad advised him to talk to my sister Robin and she helped him with the ring and I have to say Trey did an AMAZING job!

So the day came for Trey to ask me. It was December 24, I was on a sales call and my sister kept calling me and asking me when I was going to be back to the office. I kept thinking why is she rushing me? NO CLUE NELLY HERE! I remember walking through our offices front doors and seeing my sister and brother Paul at the front counter smiling these huge cheesy smiles and I was like what is wrong with them? I walked into my office and there were candles lit. If I could just describe my office to y’all for a moment-it was a DUMP! I am not one for organization, but I know where EVERYTHING of mine is! Seriously if you ask me where the post it note that is orange is on my desk at home right now I could tell you it is under my book Hope below which has the water bill on top of it! For real! Anyway….I see these candles and then this man stands up from my chair. It was Trey! He gently grabbed my hand, I still remember that so clearly, walked me around my desk to the chair and sat me down and took a knee….Now….confession time….I don’t remember what all he said to me because my mind was racing, but when he asked, “Will you marry me?” Want to just take a guess as to what my response was? I dare you! My response was, “BUT, we are not even dating!” Are you kidding me AMY IRENE!? No, friends I am not kidding you! Trey gently and quietly said with the most beautiful tears in his eyes, “I am not asking you to date me, I am asking you to be my wife.” Well….you know what came next! A resounding, “YES! YES! I want to be your wife!”


So almost nine years to the day our first kiss, my best friend, the man of my dreams, my knight, my protector, the father of my children, and my forever love asked me to marry him and so began our journey. A beautiful journey one that I hope to continue to share with you all.

Until next time!



The Seasons are Changing and I am Changing

The Seasons are Changing and I am Changing

Gratefulness Even in the Storm

Gratefulness Even in the Storm