
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

In the beginning....

In the beginning....

October 22 will mark a year since I started this blog and it will mark the 48th year I have been on this earth. A lot has happened in that one year and in those 48 years! But when I look back I would not change any of it! Funny to say that too, because Lord knows there have been a lot of ups and downs, but those ups and downs have molded me and shaped me into the woman I am today, a woman I am proud of. I have a long way to go, but I like what I see and that is enough for me!

When I started thinking about October and the blog I honestly filled with joy. Joy because I NEVER really knew where it would go or if I would still be writing- I am and I love it! I love it so much I decided to start October with an idea.

My redheaded angel and the reason I started this blog. “Thank you Mom….I love and miss you dearly.”

My redheaded angel and the reason I started this blog. “Thank you Mom….I love and miss you dearly.”

I have been taking some online blogging courses and speaking with bloggers and speakers and the common theme is trust. Well, my thoughts are how can my readers trust me if they do not know me? So I have decided to start from the beginning. No I will not bore you with it all today nor will I bore you with it post after post, but every once in a while I will sprinkle in a little “Get to Know Me.” I figure if you know me you will understand me and my heart. You will understand my passion and dream for motivating others and showing them they are loved and they are worthy. No matter what color, what sex, what gender identity, what height, what weight, what background, what you have or have not done, gay, straight, bi, who your mom or dad was or is, how much money you have or don’t have, if you are alone or surrounded by millions of people but really alone, my goal is to show you are loved and you are worthy. Not by me either! I mean I do love you all, but Jesus- that is who really loves you. That is who will NEVER let you down. That is who will ALWAYS be with you, even when you think He is not. People let us down, we let ourselves down, but Jesus will not let you or me down. How do I know this? Well, once you get to know me and hear some of my many stories you will see a common thread, the thread of the Glory of God and you know what else, if you were to take time to look at your past you will see the same thread! I just know it! So won’t you join me on my journey of getting to know me! Who knows-maybe I will get to know me even more….stranger things have happened!

Until next time!



This journal started my journey….maybe it can help start your journey.

Hurricanes, Rainbows, and Hope

Hurricanes, Rainbows, and Hope

Amy's September Book Review

Amy's September Book Review