
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Our Beautiful, Messy, Caboose

Our Beautiful, Messy, Caboose

My first view of Graeme!  Yes, I was that pregnant when I found out!  SHOCKER for sure!

My first view of Graeme!  Yes, I was that pregnant when I found out!  SHOCKER for sure!

May 5, 2011 is one that will go down in the Berry books as a day of true miracles.  Our little man/child Graeme made his appearance and our lives were forever changed.  Shoot who am I kidding!  They were forever changed in September of 2010 when a pregnancy test confirmed why I was so sick and emotional.  I was pregnant and I was 40!  Now that will change your life!   It will change your life for the good!

I remember to  this day calling Trey and asking, "Where are you?"  He said he was at Home Depot.  Most people at that point would just say, "Great, I will see you when you get home."   Ya...not me, I blurted out through tears, "We are pregnant!"  Dead silence! Then Trey said, "How?"  Silence.   "Are you sure?"  Sniffling and Silence.  "We will talk about this when I get home."  More silence...."It will be o.k.  I love you and will be home in a minute."  Deep exhale and sniffles.

Of course by the time Trey got home he was calm and breathing and truly amazing with me!  I am sure he and God had an amazing conversation on the drive home from the store and the Holy Spirit filled him with a peace that was just what I needed.  To be 40, think you are done having babies, but not really wanting to be done, then told, "Guess what, you are not done!"  Well that was a roller coaster ride I had never expected to jump on, but one I am so glad I did.

Back story:  Trey and I have a baby in heaven.  We lost Baby Berry June 2, 2009 to chromosomal conditions.  It was a loss that rocked me at my core and one that came with many medical complications.  5 surgeries later we were told there would be no more babies.  This was a tough one for me to swallow as I had always had dreams of having four kids.  That dream did come true, just not how I imagined.  On May 5, 2011 my fourth child was born and our family was forever changed and my dream had come true.  I am a mother of four beautiful children and Graeme is our caboose.  Our beautiful, messy, caboose!

To be 47 years old with a 7, 15, and a 16 old can be difficult and has it's own layer of challenges like any family of multiples.  Having one that is 9 years younger than your oldest provides wisdom I did not have the first go around.  I am much calmer about things I use to get all worked up about and I have this realization of what we feel is important and what really is not.  Good, bad, or indifferent, I don't know, but what I do know is we tend to enjoy the little things more because we are not missing them getting caught up in the rat race of stuff, to- do's, and whatever everybody else is doing.  I have learned the beautiful word, "NO".  I have learned that kids really don't get to be kids these days so you have to fight for that.  I have learned that, "God made dirt, so dirt don't hurt."  I have learned play is the highest form of research for a kid.  I have learned that all my kids need is to know I believe in them and in turn they will believe in themselves, and that time is not refundable with my kids-I need to use it with intention. And most importantly I have learned that Graeme Thomas Berry is a gift that God gave us.  A gift we are so grateful for and one that we cannot wait to see the plans God has for this beautiful mess of a boy.    


7 years ago today I was blessed with our third son Graeme and what a gift he is.   He is growing into such an amazing and joyful kid with such a bright future ahead of him!  Ever since the day he was born I have tried to be the best parent I can be.  Having three boys REALLY changes everything!  Priorities shift and realities of what is really important come into play... the day Graeme was born my priorities were changed once again.

Priorities of helping them feel important, empowering them,  teaching them about Jesus, finding time for the things that matter to each of them.  Laughing with them, crying with them, growing with them, listening to them, and all the moments in between.  Sure we disagree and my biggest fear when this happens is do they know that even in disappointments I love them?  Do they know that I will make mistakes or they will make mistakes, but,  I WILL ALWAYS LOVE THEM.  No matter what, I love them!   Do they know this?  That is the priority!  Love!  Unconditional love.  


So, as I reflect back on the last 7 years, I sit here in awe and at peace knowing my family is complete.  I am in awe of the little man/child Graeme has become and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for him.  I know my boy is a miracle with such a beautiful future ahead of him.  The world is his and I pray every day he realizes how loved he is, how amazing he is, how he can be and do anything he wants to, and how grateful I am to have him as our caboose!

Happy Birthday my little Pig Pen/Chub-a-lub!

All my love,


Hello, World!

For all the little joyous pig pens in our lives.....any kind of toy a boy would like!  click the link above!

Hello, World!




Amazon Mom and Mother's Day Gift Ideas!

Amazon Mom and Mother's Day Gift Ideas!

The Curse That Cannot Be Reversed

The Curse That Cannot Be Reversed