
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

New York State of Mind Finale!

New York State of Mind Finale!

We have done it! We have made it to the finish line in my recap of New York! Today I will share what we did on Sunday and Monday and I have to warn you parts of it are pretty somber as we visited the 911 Memorial and would you believe we did not make it half way through. I just couldn't. It was so emotional, so dark, and so real, and JP called saying he was done. Secretively I was so glad as my stomach was in knots and my head hurt. I will go back, but I will go back knowing I might not finish it yet again. It is that raw you guys. At least for me it was.

The dark hole

The dark hole

So, we woke up Sunday morning and got JP delivered to the studio safely, grabbed some breakfast and made our way over to the memorial. We started with the original spot of the Twin Towers. You guys, it is amazing what they have done. The hole and the way the water just flows down into the pit is peaceful yet eerie. Peaceful as you listen to the water and know there is life, yet eerie as you look down into this dark hole and you know there was tremendous loss of life. Yet the water keeps circulating and flowing which for me is a sign that those who were lost that fateful day are still with us. They are with us in spirit and the evil that created it is deep down in that pit. That was what I felt. It brought me chills and tears. It is very sobering.

The water flowing to the hole

The water flowing to the hole

We made our way inside and at first I was o.k. because it was honestly just pieces of metal and stuff that made it through the fires and collapses that day and for me I could not wrap my head around the pain from that. Everyone is different I know, but for me I could not grasp the gravity.

Metal from the Towers.

Metal from the Towers.

The different colors of blue fascinated me.

The different colors of blue fascinated me.

However,  as we moved deeper into the museum that changed.  We hit a wall where individuals were asked to paint a watercolor of what they remembered the sky looking like before the attack. This wall got to me. I really cannot answer why, but it moved me in a way that brought me to tears. Maybe it was because the sky was obviously a beautiful blue that morning, a blue that is so peaceful. You get that message loud and clear from the wall and I kept thinking, "Man, what happened that morning turned that beautiful peaceful sky to a dark and lonely color". A color I imagine hell or purgatory being. Not that I believe in purgatory, but I was raised Catholic, so the idea is in my head. That wall was changed from life to death in one hit. Tragic and senseless and that wall got me but good. I loved the quote, " No day shall erase you from the memory of time." I will remember that wall always.


Next we came to the "Survivor's Stairs". It is literally remnants of a staircase that connected the northern edge of the World Trade Center's Austin J. Tobin Plaza to the Vesey Street sidewalk below. These stairs along with an escalator provided an unobstructed exit for hundreds seeking to escape. The guide at the top of the stairs was telling people to literally go down the stairs and just run! "Run as fast as you can". He literally was repeating what a Police officer was saying that dreadful day to all the people trying to escape. It really was paralyzing thinking about what they must of been feeling and how scared they must of been. 

The Survivor's Stairs

The Survivor's Stairs

We then came to a part of the museum that had pictures of the deceased. It was very somber and just thinking about what each person left behind. A child, a spouse, a parent, friend, sibling, and the list goes on. I could not help but cry especially when I saw the children's faces who were lost. It made feelings of anger come up even. 

The next area we hit I could not even finish. It was voice recordings of people saying good bye to loved ones on voice mails, stories of people witnessing individuals jumping to their death, and just more stories of death and evil. I could not take anymore. I had to leave. Thankfully JP called right about that time and we did have to leave. I honestly don't think I could take much more.

I am so glad we made it to the memorial and I do hope to go back someday and finish it. Mainly out of respect of all those who lost their lives that day or those who lost loved ones. I don't think I can EVER forget that day even if I wanted too, but I will say this Memorial is a great lesson for those who were not even alive of how good will always over come evil. How on September 11, 2001 we were all united. We saw incredible courage  and amazing acts of heroism. We saw this country unite and stand in solidarity together that day and the days that followed. That is what we will remember. 


Needless to say the cab ride to get JP was very quiet, but once we got to JP that all changed. Seeing these kids finishing up was an amazing site to see. They were all so happy and so proud and that was just what I needed. We got JP and started heading back to the hotel and on the way back we hit the Black Tap. Have you ever been to a Black Tap? Oh my! If you have not you must go! It is basically a hamburger joint, but the milkshakes! Oh the Milkshakes! These milkshakes can turn any sadness into pure joy! They look joyful and they taste GREAT! So this was just what the doctor ordered for us!

JP and "Asaka" one of the leads in Once on This Island! Yall....she is AMAZEBALLS!

JP and "Asaka" one of the leads in Once on This Island! Yall....she is AMAZEBALLS!

Afterwards Gramzee was whipped so we took her to the room and for our last night, Ginger, JP, and I headed out to Time Square and decided to try our luck at the lottery for the Musical Once On This Island. Would yall believe we won! We scored 3 tickets for $59 each! For those of you who do not know, a Broadway ticket right now is going for about $250 plus! And that is the back row people! Not only did we score 3 seats at such a great deal, they were KILLER seats! We were so pumped! 

While we waited for the show to start we headed to Time Square and had a little fun and made our way back. Here are some of our street shots! Ginger was not thrilled with me making her do this, but she played along and loosened up and enjoyed herself and having everyone stare at the "crazy tourist"!

After the show we were all hungry, so........we decided to go out with a bang and get more.......guess......PIZZA! We went back to the quaint restaurant by our hotel, Serafina, and got some more of that delicious black truffle pizza. Three pizzas to be exact and we ate every last bite! Oh yes we did which made for an incredible nights sleep! Ha!

This pizza is so stupid good! I can't even stop thinking about it! I might have to learn to make it!

This pizza is so stupid good! I can't even stop thinking about it! I might have to learn to make it!

Dylan's Candy Heaven!

Dylan's Candy Heaven!

We got up early Monday because JP still needed to hit one more stop. Dylans Candy Store and at first I was like what is the big deal? Well you guys, unless you go you will not understand. It is a kids haven! It is so fun and there is all kinds of fun candy and treats. Perfect place to stop for treats to bring home, but before we could leave the city we stopped at Rue 57 for lunch and I had the french onion soup in honor of my mom, because who in their right mind would order soup when it is 98 degrees outside in New York City! Me! That is who! And I loved every bite of it just like my mom would have! If you like French onion soup I highly suggest Rue 57! After our last meal in the city we headed to the airport and we were back in Dallas before we knew it!

Whew! We are done! I hope you enjoyed reading about our trip as much as I enjoyed reliving it and telling you all about it! I could not be more proud of what JP has accomplished and where it has brought him and I am so thankful I got to share it with my AMAZING Mother in Law and one of the most special people in my life, my childhood bestfriend! How blessed I am! 

Me and my Star!

Me and my Star!

Until next time!



Hello, World!

Do you have one of these wonderful gadgets? If not you really should!
Things I Am Afraid To Tell You....

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New York State of Mind-Part 3

New York State of Mind-Part 3