
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

What Ignites Your Soul?

What Ignites Your Soul?

Hello, World!

Friday's Pure Cardio!

Friday's Pure Cardio!

As you know I LOVE to dance; I would credit dance to saving my life.  As something that has really brought me so much joy, confidence, and a passion (the loss of weight, fat, and inches is a plus).  Dance reaches at my soul almost as much as my quiet time with God.  It is a fire ignited in me that brings an unexplainable amount of joy and so much more! 

The community of ladies that I have met through dance is nothing short of amazing. They range in age from 21 to 71!  NO LIE!  And each one of these ladies brings something to the class that is all theirs.  Whether it is their smile, their whoo hoos, their twerks, their wisdom, their organizational skills, their wine knowledge, or their ability to make the room light up with love.  Each lady has a story, a story that has brought them to our class.  From needing to meet people, health reasons, or wanting to get back to their love of dance.  Today I want to introduce you to one of our newest members that's story is just that; a wanting to get back to her love for dance.  

Meet Brittany!  

Meet Brittany!  


Meet Brittany!  Brittany just found us this year and I am so glad she has.  Brittany is 31, married, and a lash stylist at The Lash Lounge.  She does have a dance background as she is a former Dallas Vigilantes dancer, but  what I did not know until just last week is Brittany has been working with a Personal Trainer for over a year now and had hit a wall if you will.  After meeting us and joining our group, in just one month Brittany lost 2.7 pounds of fat!  And that was just by joining our group!  She did not change her diet or any of her workouts she was already doing, all she did was add 1-2 days of our classes!  I laughed when she was telling me her story because she said her trainer was a little ticked, but very happy for her.  

Today I share Brittany's because it is similar to why I got started.  I needed to lose weight, but I was also somewhat in a funk.  When I found Dallas Dance Fitness I found a home that loved me where I was and encouraged me and cheered me on.  I had a lot of challenges to overcome, which I will save those for another day, but I can tell you since I started I have lost over 25 pounds, gained friendships that will last a lifetime, and found a passion for teaching dance.  I would say that is a good exchange!

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Hello, World!

Rediscovering dance has brought me a peace within my soul that I so wish everyone could have.  Think of passions you  may have that light you up?  It could be tennis, golf, walking, karate, improv, acting, running, swimming, or maybe dance like me!  What is it that you really want to try and are scared to take the first step and show up?  Trust me, you can do it and you will love it!  Take that first step.  Sign up, take the next step, and show up!  You might be surprised at what the future holds when you go out on a limb and try something you've always wanted too!  You might find a peace and joy that you never knew you could have,   and isn't joy so much sweeter than the despair that the day to day drudge of life can bring us! 

Try it!  I dare ya! 



Hello, World!

Have you seen the new looks for spring at Target?  Spruce up your workout gear and start your new passion in style!  There is something for everyone!  Click the link above!  

Blueberry Salmon

Blueberry Salmon

Easy Red Beans and Rice for the Hectic Life

Easy Red Beans and Rice for the Hectic Life