
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Amazon mom!

Amazon mom!

I was sitting at a soccer game the other day and literally over heard two dads discussing Amazon.  Basically they were discussing how Amazon is taking over the world and how Amazon is becoming an animal of it's own;  more or less...Point is they were kind of irritated.  I had to bite my tongue, but hindsight I really wish I would have opened my mouth.  Why you might be asking?  Well, because Amazon literally saved my life last year when I was in the throws of my mom dying, taking care of my dad,  and raising a  family.  Like LITERALLY!  Christmas was saved and anything anyone needed happened.  All from the cold hospital room that my mom was dying in!  Amazon saved me and keeps on saving me!

Like most mom's of multiple kids I am extremely busy.  Throw in the differences in age and likes (one plays soccer and is 16, one is an actor/dancer/ musician/ and is 15, and one is six and remains to be seen)  all that makes it more complicated.  Add that I help take care of my dad with my sister and  I am married to a pilot who is gone quite often.  So, yes, Amazon is my hero!  I am not lying when I say to you that I order from Amazon on average once a day sometimes two or three times!  And Amazon Pantry is my friend!  She makes sure that we never are low on dog food, paper towels, energy bars, toothpaste, detergent and toilet paper; which could get ugly in this house!

What do I order?  Let me just tell you EVERYTHING.  Ok I lied.  Almost everything! I have yet to do raw meat or dairy, but you never know.  They do offer groceries from WholeFoods now and I am told is is great!  

I will show you what I have ordered this week alone and you might laugh, but then again you might say, "Hey, I need that!  Had no clue I could get it from Amazon or even have it set on a monthly schedule!  Thanks Amy!" -"You're Welcome!"

Sneak Peek at this weeks Amazon deliveries-and we get a bunch!

I am happy to report the Berry's very rarely run out of T.P., unless of course there is a crush on some girl and we just have to toilet paper her house!!!!!

My son LOVES these and I have to say on busy days when I just don't have time to eat I grab one of these babies!

Boys are ALWAYS needing new shoes and I hate the mall!  Thank God for Amazon!

Love my detergent and love I can get it from Amazon.

I do my own dermaplane facials and love to use these.  Trust me it is a much better price than the dermatologist and so easy!

I am a book-a-holic so to go to a bookstore can be dangerous.  Amazon is such a great source and I cannot wait to dive into this one!

Another great bar that my entire family loves!

Again I hate the mall so I really love the free shipping and shopping from my own home!

These gummies are Grame's  favorite gummies and that makes life easier getting those probiotics down daily!

If your child has sweaty feet I promise these shoes are the best ones on the market!  Graeme actually has a condition called Hyerhidrosis which is basically feet that sweat excessively and these shoes along with the socks below saved our life!  Best shoes and socks on the market and Amazon carries them!  Bonus!!!!!

These socks have relieved a lot of stress from our lives with Graeme and his sweaty feet!  A lot!!!!!

This my friends is only a taste of what I have received this past week!  I swear Amazon helps me get more done in a day with one click of a button!  So I have decided that Friday's will be my Amazon share for the week!  Maybe just by me showing you what I had delivered will spark what you need.  Busy moms need each other!  So I am here to help and so is Amazon!  Trust me!

Until next time!





A Twist on Taco Tuesday

A Twist on Taco Tuesday

Blueberry Salmon

Blueberry Salmon