
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

What Is In Your Kid's Snowball?

What Is In Your Kid's Snowball?

In December Trey and I sat down with our two big boys, Will and John Paul, and talked with the boys about our plan for Spring Break.  Trey flies for Southwest and as of recent they have started flying to Costa Rica.  We thought it would be so cool to take the boys surfing, but both boys immediately shot down the idea saying they had already planned on going on mission with the Church.  I honestly was taken back as they have been going on Mission for 5 years now.   I thought this might be a good break, but no, they insisted. So we agreed of course, and decided against their will to join them. Plot twist!  Just kidding!  But in all seriousness,  Trey had been before but I had not and really wanted to see why they were so adamant about going.  We had to see if the Church would allow Graeme to attend, which they did happily, and the rest is history!

So this past weekend we all loaded up with about 120 other people. Mostly loud, obnoxious, full of life and jokes, teenagers and headed to San Antonio to do God's work for the people of San Antonio.  BUT, what I was shocked and amazed by might surprise you. 


When we got to San Antonio I was excited to see how God was going to bless each family who we were there to help, to see the end result of each house, hear the stories of how each team touched each family, and hear the kids saying how much fun they had!  All that did happen but, something else did too. 


When you think of mission trip what comes to mind? The definition of mission is: the vocation or calling of a religious organization, especially a Christian one, to go out into the world and spread its faith. Does this match up with yours?

I did see all of that, but I saw more.  Every night after dinner we had worship and what happened each night in worship with our own was amazing.  It was like a tiny snowball at the top of a hill on Sunday night, but by Thursday night it was this ENORMOUS snowball at the bottom of the hill that had rolled a little farther down the hill each night.  Each night that ball collected more snow, more debris, and more momentum that by Thursday night it was so big and so full of stuff that had been picked up and taken to the bottom of the hill where it was safe.  


You might be thinking at this point, "What the heck are you talking about Amy?"  I am talking about our own kids.  I am talking about their pain, their fears, their frustration, their joys, their hurts, their confusion, their hopes, their dreams, their desires, their wishes, their disappointments, the pressures they feel, from themselves and from us, I am talking about their beautiful minds, their amazing yet oh so fragile hearts, talking about how bad they are hurting.  Our kids!   Mine included!   The ones who came to help are hurting too!  This broke my heart each night as I looked around the room and saw tears and clenched jaws with anger.

I also saw friends loving on them, leaders loving on them.  I saw the tears turn to tears of joy and the clenched jaws release and the shoulders relax. I saw the Holy Spirit and he was working overtime people!  And let me tell you, this is not only a teenage girl thing which is what really shocked me.  I saw teenage boys hurting like there was no tomorrow.  This pain does not discriminate.  This pain is not for the least popular.  This pain is not for the acne ridden kid only.  This confusion does not just say I am a female.  The fear is not just in our boys.  It is across the boards male and female. And I promise you the teenage hormones aren't the reason for these cries; Cries for love and a safe haven. 


That is just what our kids received this week!  Love!  They got love and help from volunteers with NO skin in the game.  What do I mean by this?  I mean volunteers whose kids are grown with their own kids, or volunteers that are new fathers, so they come to learn how to be a better parent.  Volunteers who are single with no kids and not on youth staff!   These volunteers were there loving on our own and letting them know they are loved, they are worthy, they are safe, and they are supremely good.  When they came to worship each night I saw the veil of pain, anger, and confusion slowly lift.  Each night the kids were given the option to leave after the message and have free time or stay and worship with the band.  Each night the group staying grew.  Each night there were more tears because kids finally felt safe enough to let it go!  They felt safe enough to find a leader or a pastor and they would release whatever it was and in return they would receive love.  I can honestly say, by Thursday night each kid who did let their guard down had changed.  A rejuvenation if you will.  If tears came they were tears of happiness and relief and tears of knowing full well they are supremely good because they are made in the image of God. 

Sure this did not happen with every kid there.  IF I am being honest, as I sit here and write this, my heart hurts more for those who could not let their guard down.  My prayer is someday they will, but I spent an entire week with our staff and I know first hand that until they do or do not this staff will love each and every kid right where they are. No matter how hard it is.  That is how AMAZING our children's ministry is at HPUMC.  Truly amazing!   They love our kids hard and love our kids big!  And for this I will be forever grateful!        

Spring Break 2018 I tried something different. I went out of my comfort zone in a huge way and I had a blast!  My dream is every parent in the metroplex who reads this will join me next year, whether it is at our church or yours!  It was that good.  I am smart enough to know that probably will not happen, but if I have one wish, it would be this post might stir something in a few of you to join me and let's partner with our churches and their youth staff and together we can encourage and love our youth.  After all they are the future.   Won't you join me and learn what is in your kiddo's snowball?

Until next time....

You are loved beyond all measure.
— Ephesians 3:19



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