
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

In Memory of those Who Gave it ALL

In Memory of those Who Gave it ALL

I about to make a confession that I am somewhat ashamed of.  Ashamed simply because I was too lazy to do some simple research as a veteran's wife to understand something. That something I am referring to is my confusion on the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran's day and if I am being real honest Labor Day.  So today I did a little research to understand the differences and thought I would share it with you all because if you are anything like me, once you understand the true reason for the holiday it sure does make you appreciate it all the more than just a simple day off of school or work or whatever it is you are taking a break from.

I have confused Memorial Day and Labor Day for years simply because of the way my brain works.  I always knew Labor Day was a public holiday held in honor of working people. What I could not wrap my head around was the day.  Was it May or was it September.  I finally came up with my own little brain tease and remember it like this.  "Amy L comes before M in the alphabet yes, but in holidays M comes before L."  BAM!  Problem solved!  So there was my confusion of Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Now the big one!  Memorial Day and Veterans Day. One would think that I would know the difference seeing that I am married to a Vet., but I am ashamed to say I did not until very recently when I decided to take a quick second and research the two.  What I found has been very eye opening.  Basically, Trey and I get to celebrate Veterans Day (and anyone else who has served or is serving in the military) in November because he survived and came home.  Some of his fellow service members and very close friends were not so lucky.  Memorial Day is for them and their family and friends to remember them by. Now if that does not change your perspective on the difference between the two I don't know what will.  It is not just a day off.  It is not a free day at the beach or lake or whatever it is you do every Memorial Day. It is a day of remembrance to honor those that fought for our freedom and died.  It is a way to honor their families and the sacrifices they too have endured for us. The sacrifice of their child, their spouse, their parent, or their friend. 

So as I am enjoying my long weekend this weekend and every future Memorial day weekend God willing gives me, I hope you will join me and take some time to reflect on what this day truly means. This day means MANY have died for you and for me, they gave it ALL including their lives so we could enjoy this freedom. Their families gave their loved ones so we could grill and have picnics all over this beautiful country we call America. I hope you will join me and thank them and their families every chance you get this weekend and every other Memorial Day weekend from here on out.  I know I will as I sure do see it in a whole new light. A very grave but grateful light.



Memorial Day Sale on groceries. Valid 5/27-5/28.




Easy and Quick Carbonara

Easy and Quick Carbonara

We Have a First Grader!

We Have a First Grader!