
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

November Book Reviews

November Book Reviews

After finishing off October with Jodi Picoult's, The Story Teller, I needed something light, quick, and funny, with a little bit of romance.  While I loved The Story Teller, it was just a heavy read and I needed a little breather.  I chose The Barefoot Summer, by Carolyn Brown.  

The premise of the book sounded hilarious!  Three women at a funeral who knew NOTHING about each other and learned that day they were all widowed from the same guy!  "OH YES!  SIGN ME UP!  THIS WILL BE JUICY AND FUNNY!"  The first page was funny, but then I felt it got a little slow.  I am not going to lie, there were some hilarious moments and moments I thought, "Oh the Magic is coming back," but then the magic would fade.  

I finished the book simply because I found it so interesting to see how three people, with three entirely different backgrounds,  likes,  etc fell for the same con man and ended up living together.  It was fascinating to see how they ended up becoming friends and how really you never know what tomorrow will bring or who tomorrow will bring.  I was glad I finished it, but it did take me a while, but it was worth getting to the end.  (side note about me, if I start something, USUALLY, no matter how bad I have to finish....curiosity gets me every time!)   

Once I finished The Barefoot Summer, I chose the book Class Mom, by Laurie Gelman and let me just say, "NAILED IT!"  This book was down right knock your socks off funny!  The book was actually PERFECT for me!  I too, like the main character, have a kindergartner and two in high school so I could really relate to her and her thoughts.

This book is an easy read about a mom who has taken on the task of room mom. This is not her first rodeo either as she has two in College and little Max in Kinder.  She makes no bones about what she expects from her classroom moms and dads and she is downright funny about it!  GREAT book to read!  ESPECIALLY if you have a desire to be a room mom, have been a room mom, are a teacher, a principal, or just want to laugh!  I mean OUT LOUD laugh!  HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book!

Next up I chose Cancel the Wedding by Carolyn T. Dingman.  I picked this book because it is Carolyn Dingman's Debut and seeing that I am just starting out with my blog I thought we had something in common.  Weird reason I know seeing that she has written others now, but it is true, AND it is a story about two sisters who have lost their mother and one sister in particular is on a quest to figure out who her mother was.  Another thing I had in common.

 I will not lie, I wanted to give up on this book once or twice, but I am so glad I did not.  The mystery of Olivia's mom kept me pushing on and I am so glad I did.  Between the mystery and the budding romance between Olivia and Elliot, I found this book to end on a high note.  It was just one of those books that until midway through I had to work at it, but once it kicked in.....well let's just say I stayed up until 1:15 am finishing it!  And anyone who knows me, knows this is not normal!  So I do recommend this book if you are looking for whimsy, humor, love and a little bit of mystery!  It will not disappoint.

For my little readers this month I chose The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn.  What a sweet sweet book!  And the perfect book for anyone who has a child who is apprehensive about going to school or anywhere really without you.  Graeme and I really enjoy reading this book together and we even use the same gesture the Raccoons do now!  Such a neat tradition!  

What have you been reading?  I would love to know!






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