
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Take A Breath and Look UP...

Take A Breath and Look UP...

Summer is  officially over and today is the first day of school. AGH!  UGH!  (and insert many, many tears here). Yes I hate this day!   I am not your typical mom who can't wait for this day each year... I am not the one who has the champagne chilling next to the orange juice in the frigelator (JPism for Refrigerator)!   No, I am actually quite opposite.  The first day brings up so many emotions for me, but the biggest one is My Boys are Growing Up!  This saddens my heart.  It is a wonderful time, yes, because we can reflect on how much they have matured or developed or whatever...but it is a constant reminder to me that time is running past me and before I know it they will be going to College and preparing to live the life God intended for them.   Trey and I 's job will (kind of) be done.  

When I meditate on that, I start to think about who will they be, what will they become, who will they marry and then I just get way ahead of myself and I have to reel myself back in and say slow down Amy!  So I take a deep breath and look up and simply pray, "Lord, thank you for our beautiful boys and for having faith in us to bring them up.  I pray that as this year starts, they will remain steadfast in their foundation of you and they will go out into this world and be an instrument for you.  I pray Lord that their peers, their teachers, their coaches, and whomever they encounter,  will see you in them.  I pray they will be Leaders and not followers.  I pray for their Health and for their hearts Lord and I give them to you...Please make them instruments for you and protect and guide them this School year.  In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen"

Remember who you are and what God Expects you to become.  You are a child of promise.  You are a man of might.  You are a Son of God.-Thomas S. Monson

Remember who you are and what God Expects you to become.  You are a child of promise.  You are a man of might.  You are a Son of God.-Thomas S. Monson

So as this new school year starts, if you are celebrating, or if you are like me and crying, Let's not forget to take a breath and look up.  In Celebration and in tears, God is here.  

Happy first Day of School!



Secrets of a Tan-a-holic

Secrets of a Tan-a-holic

I Want to Hold Your Hand.....

I Want to Hold Your Hand.....