
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Faith of Bee-rad and G money

Faith of Bee-rad and G money

Have you ever heard the quote "faith like a child"?  I have numerous times and last night Graeme Berry displayed faith that I only wish I could have an ounce of!  His faith was so innocent, so real, and so big that my heart burst with love and joy watching him speak. 


We have a neighbor, Brad, who was an olympic hopeful back in his day.  Long story short,  Brad was in a car wreck on the way to the olympic trials and basically died but was revived.  He sustained a major head injury and was in a coma for a month if my memory serves me right.  Brad went from being a Prince grad, aspiring surgeon, and a US olympic hopeful to a hospital bed with years of physical therapy.  Brad would tell you that today he is 30 which he is not.  He is probably in his mid 50's, but he likes to think that when that happened, he got a second chance.  He cannot drive a car so he rides his bike everywhere and I think he has been hit by a car 9 times!  And he giggles about it and just keeps on keeping on!  He is such an inspiration in the Berry House.  He is on fire for God and we always talk about how angry we would be if our lives were turned upside down like his was, but not Brad.  He is grateful! 

Graeme LOVES Bee-RAD,  this is the nickname my husband gave him.  Anytime Bee-RAD is here, Graeme is right by his side and asking questions and hanging on to every word Bee-RAD says.  I see it all the time, but just the other night it became very evident.

I was really tired and missing my mom one night and decided to lose myself in a TV show and I chose Chicago fire. I was watching the show and Graeme walked in and I did not notice because I was so into it.  (Another mom fail on my part!  Told you these happen all the time here!)  Anyways.....there was a man about to jump off of a building and take his own life.  The firefighters basically save his life and a commercial comes on. 

I turn to hear Graeme saying, "Mom, that would of been really bad."  I was like, "Um, yes....Very Bad....he would of died and then the people that loved him most would be so sad."  Graeme looked at me so calmly and said, "Not if Jesus woke him up when he died."  I was very perplexed and said, "Graeme, that does not happen."  He shook his head and looked at me square in the eyes and said, "Yes it does mom, it happened to Bee-RAD.  Jesus was not done with him on this earth and he woke him from the dead and the only reason he did not wake up Grandma was she did what he needed her to do here, so he brought her to Heaven."  


I really was speechless and for those of you who know me that NEVER happens!  I hugged Graeme tight and with tears in my eyes just said, "Thank you Graeme.  Thank you for reminding me that anything is possible with God".  

I really wish I had the same simple innocent Faith as my little man/child has.  I know I don't, but his little heart is so full of faith.  When do we lose that innocence and strong belief in anything is possible?  I guess when the world gets a hold of us.  This is a broken world after all.  Bad things happen daily and to good people.   I guess all we can really do is try really hard to get back to the faith of a child or the faith of someone like Bee-RAD  and see the world through their eyes and heart.  Maybe then we can live in peace knowing that sometimes bad things that happen in our lives that put us directly on a path to some of the best things and times that will ever happen to us.  We just have to have a little faith....



Option 3!

Option 3!

B Stellar and Be You!

B Stellar and Be You!