
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

3 Ingredient Breakfast Sausage Balls

3 Ingredient Breakfast Sausage Balls

I am not an expert when it comes to cooking or nutrition. But, I read a lot about it, I hear a lot about it, I try to apply it, but the truth is I LOVE MY BUBBA'S FRIED CHICKEN!  

In all honesty, I do live my life by the rule of everything in moderation. I am not a diet nazi, but I do TRY....I use that word loosely, as I do get LAZY.

They say breakfast is your most important meal....and then some say no, do the fast. I have no idea which way is best, nor will I even try to pretend I do.  What I can tell you is.... for ME personally, BREAKFAST is important. And honestly for my family, too.

I have that condition you hear of: HANGRY.

When my blood sugar drops, well let's just say it is not pretty and my dear alter ego, Tawanda, rears her ugly head. So today I thought I would share with you and easy recipe that I got from my friend at Primal Mom....(You can find her on Facebook...tell her I sent you!)

This recipe is STUPID easy!  I mean seriously people!  ANYONE can do this...my six year old helps me!  And bonus it is only 3 ingredients!  Yep you heard me!  3!!!!!  So easy peasy lemon squeasy!  And double bonus....it is healthy!  And triple bonus you can make today and store in the frigelator (this is our John Paulism for refrigerator)!  So what are you waiting for...Let's get to cooking and you and I will both have breakfast made for the week!


1lb natural pork sausage (confession time...I have used regular pork sausage)

1 cup grassfed grated cheese (here is another confession...I have been known to use regular cheese)

1 cup Almond flour

Mix all ingredients together and make little balls or put into tiny muffin pans and bake at 350 for 35 minutes.....


Bon appetit!



 Oh no You Didn't!

Oh no You Didn't!

She is not here...

She is not here...