
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

My Healing Journey

My Healing Journey

If you have been following along on the gram, then you are well aware by now that I have embarked on a new adventure. A healing adventure that is.

The Melt Method

Back story

In November, a co-worker/friend, Christine and I registered for Dallas Mania which is a fitness convention. At the time, I was suffering from severe plantar fasciitis. If anyone has ever had it, you know how painful it is. To teach dance on it was excruciating to say the least. I think I was averaging 1600 mg of Ibuprofen a day. Which is ridiculous in and of itself and awful for your gut. That is an entirely different post for a different day.

The point is, I tried anything and everything to heal it. I paid a doctor $1000 for shockwave therapy. And if you want to know what real pain is….do that…it was worse than labor! AND I subjected myself to it over and over and over again in hopes that it would heal my pain. It did work wonders on my Achilles tendonitis but not on my heel. I purchased all kinds of weird shoes off the internet that claimed they could help. I bought a red light therapy wand. I mean when I tell you I tried EVERYTHING, I tried EVERYTHING!


At Mania, Christine kept talking about this session, MELT, that she had signed up for and suggested that I should attend it over Zumba. I remember telling her I hated yoga, barre, anything slow, why would I go? She explained to me what she had been learning about the fascia and really thought that it might help my plantar fasciitis. Again, if someone had given me snake oil and said, “Drink this it will do the trick.” I am telling you I might have! That is how awful it was. So I skipped Zumba and went with Christine and the rest was history.

I am not kidding when I tell you I got immediate relief. IMMEDIATE. Immediate, but with discipline.

I listened to Sue, the founder, explain how we brush our teeth daily for fresh breath and to prevent tooth decay or further tooth decay and it is the same with the fascia and our bodies. We need to floss them daily if you will.

I bought the foam roller and ball that day and decided in that moment I would MELT daily and I did. I healed my plantar fasciitis too! Not only did I heal it myself, I registered to get certified to train others to do the same!

Guess What!

I am officially certified! It was a three month journey and it was like going back to college, but I did it! I am so proud of myself and so excited to bring this MELT Method out into my community and to those around the world. I figure I learned it all over zoom, why not offer zoom training?

If you are one of my friends who suffers from chronic pain, wants to erase the signs of aging, maybe you want to prevent pain, and feel fantastic in just 10 minutes a day! I really think I have the secret, thanks to Sue Hitzman and her incredible MELT Method!

I plan to talk about it a lot over on the gram and you will see many more blog posts on the what, why’s, and how’s of it. But for now, know this….there is a breakthrough Self-treatment system that stimulates healing power within your body’s connective tissue and can help relieve aches and stiffness, improve performance, and erase the negative effects of aging! Know that it is also possible to live without pain and transform your body in as little as 10 minutes a day! There are so many more benefits which we will discuss in the future, but here are a few: Sleep, Digestive, Midday fatigue be gone, bloating and weight gain be gone, and are you ready for this…cellulite help! Say goodbye to some, if not all, of the Hail Damage on the back of those thighs! Ladies, if that does not excite you!? Ha!

So be on the lookout and if you want to know more or would like a private session, email me at amy@worthyheart.com and let’s get you started on your very own healing journey.

Until Next Time,



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