
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Pain, Pain, Go Away!

Pain, Pain, Go Away!

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish there was a way to get out of pain and stay out of pain?”

I know I have! The old me would just pop a pill, go to a doctor who would treat what was hurting, iron or roll the pain with a hard foam roller, beat it, red light it, do whatever I could to get out of pain!

The problem is that it is a temporary solution and some of the solutions are doing more damage than good.

What I have found in my studies with MELT is that in order to get out of pain, you have to get to the source of the pain….and sometimes the source is far away from the pain. #truestory

The truth is everyone will more than likely experience some kind of pain at some point in life.

Problem is, pain comes to us differently:

Injuries, accidents, surgery, illness, emotional pain, heartbreak, and the list goes on and on.

When we experience pain, whether emotional or physical, our brain literally sends a signal to our body saying:

“Something is not right here! Take Action!”

In a sense, that is a good thing because if we listen then we rest, maybe elevate the injury, ice it, pop an Advil, wrap it, nurture it by talking through it, if it is emotional, the point is; if we listen we take action. 

We hear “Time Heals All Wounds.”

 The question is, “But how come sometimes pain comes and goes, sometimes it just stays, and other times it comes on abruptly out of nowhere!”

What do I mean by that? Have you ever woken up after a great night’s sleep to have your neck stiff and screaming at you? Or your shoulder feels as if you tore your rotator cuff? Ya, that’s what I am talking about….that feeling of, “Are you kidding me, as we age we injure ourselves in our sleep!?” Anyone know what I am talking about? Not fun!

Our brain sits there racking itself wondering how the heck did this happen, why did this happen, and why won’t this pain go away for Pete’s Sake!?

Here is the deal…I learned this from THE BEST TEACHER EVER!

Pain 100% of the time is produced by the brain and if this pain becomes chronic, you have an issue with your connective tissue!

Problem is most of us, myself included until recently, have zero clue what the connective tissue is and the problem with that is that we do not understand we can actively, on our own, treat the connective tissue to get out of pain! Yes, you can learn to heal yourself!

But… we have to understand what the Connective Tissue is.

I personally like to think about it like this:

We have a hair net literally the shape of our bodies that is holding everything in place. This net is literally supporting, protecting, and stabilizing all aspects of our body. Everything from our cells, blood vessels, bones, muscles, organs, all of it!

The “hair net” is a three dimensional, fluid based, architectural matrix. 

We need this “hair net” to be functioning efficiently for us to not have pain.

The problem is daily living can and will cause cellular dehydration which is the catalyst of causing pain and this pain can become chronic pain.

And whether you like it or not, we all have experienced cellular dehydration. An example of this is when you stand up after a long drive or after sitting for a long period of time….that stiffness you feel…that is literal cellular dehydration. Do you ever wake up in the morning to find your feet hurt or your joints  hurt like you aged 35 years overnight…again cellular dehydration and these aches are literal pre pain signals. Think of it as your body saying to you,  “Hey ___Your Name____! Your connective tissue is not doing its job and you are susceptible to joint compression.” AKA…Pain

Most people, once they start moving, the pain goes away. Awesome! Right? Unless you do nothing about it, which is what most people do! They don’t listen to the warning signs, but honestly, we have not known that we should listen to this, until now.

Now we know we need to listen.

These feelings of stiffness, tight muscles, cracking joints….these are warning signs that if we don’t listen a number of things might happen. Pain, chronic pain, accelerated aging, and so much more.

So why am I telling you all this? 

Because, I am going to take you on a journey! A journey to help you prevent this, heal it, or reverse it. 

What is it? 

Pain, stiffness, aging, cracking, inflammation, cellulite, bunion issues, and so much more! 

If you are like most Americans and fall into one of these or more…follow along….and see if MELT might be an answer for you. Lord knows it was a gift from God to me and I want to share this gift with you! 

Stay tuned!

Until Next Time!




Pain, Pain...Let's Get You Out of that Pain!!!!

Pain, Pain...Let's Get You Out of that Pain!!!!

Wednesday's Worthy Word

Wednesday's Worthy Word