
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Pain, Pain...Let's Get You Out of that Pain!!!!

Pain, Pain...Let's Get You Out of that Pain!!!!

Last week I left off introducing you guys to the idea that:

Pain 100% of the time is produced by the brain and if this pain becomes chronic, you have an issue with your connective tissue!

We started looking at what the connective tissue is, what it does, and how we need this architectural matrix of fluid functioning efficiently. When it is not, that is when we experience the pain.

When there is pain and we do nothing about it, the connective tissue, (the hair net I described last week) is fluid based like a river. Think of it as a one huge hair net underneath your skin. This hair net is like a river with fluid running through your body. When we do nothing with the pre-pain signal, sediment is accumulating in that river and doing nothing about it, well it settles in and before you know it you hear joints cracking, you are constantly having to adjust yourself, you’re stiff, tight…bottom line, you have pain!

It’s like a back up of sorts and we all know back ups in plumbing systems wreak havoc and back ups in rivers bring dried out, dehydrated river beds. It is the same with your body.

When this back up happens we either ignore it or do something like pop an Advil, which either case can cause bigger problems…more on that at a later date.

So these signals are coming from our nervous system and our nervous system is literally relying on our connective tissue (the hair net)…when the connective tissue is in trouble our nervous system cannot manage issues like it was made to do.

Pain happens, stuck stress happens, and this will literally exhaust your nervous system if we do nothing about it.


Because it will have to work harder and harder and harder. The more exhausted your nervous system becomes, well, you might see issues like:

  • Trouble digesting food

  • Mid day exhaustion

  • Insomnia

  • Cannot fall asleep

  • Getting up to pee in the middle of the night

    These are all symptoms that your nervous system is working really hard.

    If we ignore them a cascade of problems happen;

  • Pain

  • Chronic pain

  • Sudden Pain

  • Aging process speeds up

  • Sleep issues

  • And much more


    If you are having sleep issues…wow! What can happen is wild! I could probably do a chapter in a book on that, but the most important point here is:

    Sleep is where cellular repair is happening. No sleep, no repair….

I know this all feels like bad news, but I do have good news!


You can treat yourself and your connective tissue which is the missing link to optimal health in my opinion.


I can teach you all of this! By using the 4 R’s of Melt,

Reconnect, Rebalance, Rehydrate, and Release

I can teach you how to identify what stuck stress is, what it is doing, and where it is living in your body so you can address it before you are in pain or worse chronic pain.


Reconnect is just what it sounds like: I will teach you how to use body sense and reconnect with your body.

Rebalance is a beautiful 10 minute sequence, it is personally Trey f’s and my favorite! In the Rebalance Sequence we are literally helping your nervous system and your autopilot challenge itself to help you go back into balance so your auto pilot can do what it does best. If your nervous system is working fairly well, you will feel these results immediately. I like to describe it as, “I feel like I melted into the ground like a snowman and it feels AHMAZING!”

Rehydrate is literally what it sounds like. We are learning to rehydrate the connective tissue to get it functioning efficiently. I will teach techniques called glide, shear, rinse, and really cool lengthening techniques that look like stretching but it is not stretching it is you literally lengthening your fascia. So cool and so relaxing.

Last is Release- We will release your neck and low back and oh my goodness it is exactly what it sounds like. A release that is I don’t know how to explain it other than heavenly!

What you find really odd at first is if you tell me you have neck pain I will say great, let’s start with your feet and hands. We don’t go to the source of the pain and we never land on the pain. We go above or below it. I know this sounds wild, but it works! I am living proof of it and honestly so is my family!


If any of this has piqued your interest all you have to do is email me at amy@worthyheart.com and we can get you on my schedule. I can do all of this over zoom if you are not in Dallas and if you are in Dallas I can come to you or you can meet me at FBH which is a full service wellness studio who offers all kinds of modalities from Pilates, Chiro, MAT, and now MELT!!!!

So as you can see…..

I have all kinds of options and would love to chat with you and help you on your healing journey to a healthy ACTIVE PAIN FREE Life!!!!

Just shoot me an email and we will get you going! I cannot wait either! This has been a game changer for me and I just know it will be for you too!!!!!





Wednesday's Worthy Word

Wednesday's Worthy Word

Pain, Pain, Go Away!

Pain, Pain, Go Away!