
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

The Upside of the Side Hustle

The Upside of the Side Hustle

You might be asking yourself, “Why on earth is Amy selling this coffee?” Trust me, I asked myself that for about 29 days after I signed on to do it, then I got paid! That day changed everything! Truly! But I guess I should start at the beginning for you to truly understand that.

It all started back in college when my bestfriend Ginger and I signed up to do Amway! Yep! I sure did! And NOPE I did not make any money! Then it was after college while I was at Buzz Print and my mentor and dear friend Lori Clark talked me into signing up to do Advocare! Yep! Back in the 90’s I sold advocare….well….not really! I did not do anything but take the products myself, however, looking back as I type this I realize now I was sitting on a gold mine! The 90’s people! That program is still around, or at least kind of. I just heard they are going retail, but not real sure what that means for its distributors. Next I was in the military and I was talked into selling Southern Living. I did one party, got all the goods I wanted for my house and was done! Then I did Once Upon a Family and while I did make money, the problem with that company was I had to do inventory and that drove my husband me crazy! I am not organized enough for that! So after that I hung up MLM and swore I would NEVER do it again! How does the saying go? “Never say Never!” Well it is true! Never say Never….

Side note: When I married Trey he was a pilot in the Navy and he would be gone for 6-9 months at a time on a ship so when we got married he said, “We will NEVER go on a cruise!” He meant it too people….guess what….we have been on 5 since we have been married!!!!!

Funny how that works! Now back to the story. In December, I was approached by my sweet student and friend Beth Hall about this coffee she wanted me to try AND she threw in with her little southern drawl, “And if you want you could sell it on your blog and make some extra money…” I laughed and said, “Ya no, I don’t like selling to my friends. I have done that mulitple times and it just did not work out for me. Tell me to sell to a company and I can do it….ask me to sell to a friend and I am not your girl.” She just smiled and nodded very elegantly like she does.



Fast forward to February and it was her third follow up with me and I said, “You know, I have not tried it yet, but I am going on a girls trip this weekend and I am happy to bring some and give it to my friends to try and I will get back to you.” Well, guess what! I didn’t give the samples to the girls, nor did I try it myself.

In March I got pneumonia and I was down for the count and when I started healing and coming back to life I started reading alot. I came across a quote by Forbes that went something like this: “There is no downside to a side hustle. There are only benefits to building more than one source of income. A side hustle is the new job security.” That really reasonated with me for a number of reasons. Reasons I will not go into detail now, but they are real and they are worthy.

So I decide to give Beth a call. I think she probably fell off her chair when she heard why I was calling, not to mention I had lost EVERY sample she gave me and NEVER tried it for myself! No lie! But I knew it intrigued me because it was coffee and coffee is the most popular beverage in the world with more than 400 billion cups consumed each year with 450 million cups of coffee being consumed in the US DAILY! Yep! That is right. How do I know this? Well some of you know I am obsessed with Bullet Proof coffee so I have kind of studied weird things about coffee and the fact that Reviatlu was selling coffee that is healthy, well that intrgued me more.

I liked what it could do and I liked that she was giving it to me for free to try!

I liked what it could do and I liked that she was giving it to me for free to try!

So what do you do when you have never tried a product but you know the benefits of the ingredients and you know that tons of coffee is consumed daily and the product is coffee….well if you are Amy Berry you say, “Hey can I sign up to sell this stuff and could you give me some samples to try it while I wait for mine to come in?!” Yep that is pretty much how it went down and the rest is history. I have been with the company since April 19 and I have made back my initial investment times 2! Not bad! Considering my history with MLM and the one I did make money with I saw no money for the first 9 months. So I consider this a win!

It is a win because the money potential is GREAT! It is a win because the product is AMAZING and does what it says it will do! It is a win because all I have to do is hand out samples and the samples sell themselves! It is a win because I can do it from the comfort of my couch, my bed, the park, on vacation, whenever and wherever I want! It is a win beause I am meeting some amazing people! And it is a win because it is taking me out of my comfort zone and I am getting past the fear of “what will my friends think and say.” So I am growing and my family is benefiting! So can you say, “Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!” And it is a win because it means more income for my family which in turn means more options! So everybody wins!!!!! So bottom line….even if it was just $500 a month I was earning I have to ask myself what else would I be doing with that time that could have earned me that…..just some food for thought……

So, if you are like I was and wanting to earn some extra money for your family and yourself, let’s talk. This company might intrigue you like it did me and it might not, but it is a win either way because we will have had some time together! If you want to sample any or all of the products, message me! I promise you will love all the benefits it can and will give you! Besides what do you have to lose? It’s free!

Until next time!



June Book Review

June Book Review

Wendy's Frosty for Breakfast

Wendy's Frosty for Breakfast