
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Why, How, And Where to Next

Why, How, And Where to Next

Hey there! Today I thought I would do something a little different for my new friends, but still fun for my old friends! I thought I would share with you all a little about me, why I started this blog, how, and where I think I might be taking it next.

Truth is I started the blog when I lost my mom. You can read all about that here. I found it very therapeutic and I just kept going with it. Before too long I had a friend helping me and encouraging me along the way and then I became bestfriends with this deal called Google! You might of heard of it. If not, I HIGHLY suggest you checking it out. It is a pletheria of information! But I digress…..

I find so much joy and peace writing….

I find so much joy and peace writing….

Slowly I began to see people following me and I was like, “Whoa, people like what I am saying!” Talk about a mental boost. Then the Berry house had a storm hit. A big storm and I took to writing for therapeutic reasons again. I did not care who was following I was just pouring myself into my writing. Some things I shared, others I did not, maybe someday I will, who knows…..point is it helped.


I started seeing a pattern in me with my dance and writing. I started seeing that I like motivating people. I take that back. I LOVE motivating and inspiring people. It fills my bones with joy yall! Even if it is just one person who messages me and thanks me, or one like, or one share, it drives me! So I kept going and I enrolled in some classes.

All of the classes say the same thing. Find your mission, your brand, your goal. Well for someone with ADD and a busy lifestyle that is tough. But I am on a mission to do that. Next they tell you to find your ideal audience. I think I know mine. Parents or individuals wanting to be parents and anyone raising their parents. Along with your audience they want you to know your content. Content…..Lord knows I have a ton of content! My life is chalk full of mistakes and wins. One day at a time is my motto! And last they talk to you about engagement. Engagement from your followers. Well, I am still learning this one. Work in progress! One day at a time! But, I am really interested in listening to you and what you would like to see. So, if you have something you want to know, or an idea you think I should run with, by all means….tell me! I am open and ready. If it is something I can be honest with and about, I am all in! If not, I will tell you! Trust me, I won’t hold back and I think it is safe to say, most of my friends would tell you that I am an open book for the MOST part.


SO! Where to next? Well I am seeing I have a passion for teens. I am seeing that the teens of today and really all of us are more connected than ever yet we are so disconnected. We are disconnected from their families, our friends, and our lives. This is scary for us, but especially for our kiddos! Honestly social media is suffocating our teens. I would not say killing them, but I do think suffocating them. They are hiding behind it and they are hiding behind their screens. We are too if we are being honest. Heck as I sit here typing this I think to myself, “Am I being a hypocrite?” I think there is definitly a balance and the balance will look different for each individual and each family. I know there is a balance though. So my direction is balance…..the balance to finding peace and knowing you are worthy! And let me state for the record right here right now, “NO! I do not believe balance can be achieved 100 percent!” Sorry, I just don’t! That is too a hard thing to do in this day and age. What I am hoping is that I can help you see that we are all in this struggle together. Sure some of us, not me for sure, look like we have it all together, but the hard truth is we don’t. So let me take something huge off your shoulders….YOU ARE NOT FAILING AS A HUMAN, AS A MOM, AS A WIFE, AS A DAUGHTER, AS A FRIEND, AS WHATEVER YOU ARE….fill in the blank….YOU ARE NOT FAILING! Give yourself some grace and know, “Progress, not Perfection.”

I am no expert and lord knows with my ADD I need all the help I can get, but I am striving! And that is all we can do! Strive for progress not perfection. When you are striving for something positive you can be proud.

One thing I am proud of is the simple fact that I have stuck with this blog. I am a dreamer and I tend to come up with all kinds of ideas, BIG IDEAS, and I don’t follow through. My house is a BEAUTIFUL MESSY example of this! I really want a quaint cottage and I have tons of ideas, some I have even started on, but the follow through is, well, it is just not happening! Same with the boys baby books. Will and JP’s both got off to a great start, but about 6 months in they come to a complete halt and poor Graeme’s book was at least bought! That is about it.

So the fact that I have stuck with this blog is something I am so proud of. She has become my baby and I can’t wait to watch her grow! My hope is you will want to grow with us and share my dream with others. That is the dream I will strive towards…..The dream of helping people realize they are worthy and they are enough! After all that is all we want….to know we are worthy, we are loved, and we are enough.

Until next time,



Simple Supper Suggestions for Your Busy Week #1

Simple Supper Suggestions for Your Busy Week #1

Spaghetti Sunday!

Spaghetti Sunday!