
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Room Mom! What!

Room Mom! What!

Do you guys remember my book review in November? If you don't let me give you a little refresher on one book in particular.

I am living the book! The only difference between Jen Dixon and I is that I have an amazing partner in crime! Karen!  But, I am almost 48 years old with a first grader and finding myself in the roll of class mom again! I mean Will is 16 and JP is 15 and I think it has been almost 8 years since I had this job! Yall I just had to get this book out again and read it to remind myself everything will be O.K. The old lady can and is up for the task of the job as room mom! Now that I have read the book for the SECOND time I give it more than 10 STARS! If you have not read this book you must order it right now off of the link above! But only if you want a good laugh and only if you want to see the life I will be leading this school year! Just kidding.....kind of!  I mean I don't see any old flames showing up in my future and I promise not to use some of the method's Jen Dixon does in the book, although they would make for juicy gossip in my neighborhood and fun curriculum nights! 

What I do promise is to get the job done. I may or may not cross the line at times with my sarcasm, but I promise to do it with love and humility and all for the good of the class! And if there is anything I have learned from this hilarious book- it is that as an older mom I might see through the lens of a first graders life a little differently. This might come in handy when things seem bigger than they are so I hope that I along with my Co-Parent Karen can make this first grade year the most relaxed, fun year yet for these kids.  I hope we can help them and their parents really relish and enjoy these precious times. Not stress about the stupid stuff.  Because trust me, there is a lot of that happening with our poor kids these days. 

So if you are looking for a great read, one where you will find yourself laughing hysterically out loud get this book! You will not be disappointed especially if you find yourself walking in the same shoes I am in now! Shoes of the Room Mom!




Mango Chicken How You Like It!

Mango Chicken How You Like It!

Finding Hope

Finding Hope