
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Turkey Bolognese with Options

Turkey Bolognese with Options

How many mom’s out there want to cook healthy but your kids don’t necessarily want to bite off (no pun intended) on it? I know that is always a problem in my house! Especially since I am raising ALL boys who can eat me out of the house in one day! Anyone else have this problem?

What do you do when you have a problem? You get creative! This year I hope to be able to help more families like mine get creative so everyone is happy! What am I talking about? I am talking about recipes that are easy for mom with options of being uber healthy with an option of being maybe a little less healthy. Not terrible, just not as healthy.

What does this look like? Well if the recipe calls for noodles Mom and Dad if they choose will use zoodles (zucchini or squash noodles). If it calls for rice, Mom and Dad will use cauliflower. Options. That is all. Plain and simple and easy enough to make everyone happy.

Do I eat this way all the time? LORD NO! Do I try to? LORD NO. But when I can I do and my vow to you is to TRY to give you options in the future so everyone is happy. After all isn’t that what we all want? Happy, healthy, kids and homes!

Turkey Bolognese (inspired by Primal Mom)


1 lb ground turkey

zucchini noodles or squash noodles (you can get them in the produce section already spiraled) If not purchase yellow squash or zucchini and use a spiralizer or veggitti to make noodles

Angel Hair Pasta (this is your less health option) and you will cook per the package instructions

1-2 shallots chopped (I prefer two and my little secret is cook with a shallot always and watch your dishes burst with flavor)

2-3 tablespoons chopped jar garlic

1/2 chopped onion

2 containers of cherry tomatoes halved

1/2 teaspoon dried oregano

1-2 handfuls of fresh basil

1-2 tablespoons butter

4 tablespoons olive oil

Parmesan, salt, and pepper for seasoning and garnish


In one large skillet over medium heat, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil. Add your chopped onion and sauté for 3-5 minutes. Add your ground turkey and cook thoroughly for 5-7 minutes.

While that is cooking in another large skillet add 2 tablespoons olive oil and heat on medium heat. Add your shallots and saute for 3 minutes then add your garlic and saute 3 more minutes. Next add tomatoes, fresh basil, oregano, and once your turkey is cooked through add that. Cover and let simmer for at least 10 minutes.

The skillet that you used for your turkey add butter and melt. Add your noodles and cook for 3-5 minutes. Add salt and pepper for taste.

If using real noodles please cook now according to the package

Plate noodles and top with the turkey and tomato mixture and juices. Add parmesan, salt, and pepper!

Serve with salad and garlic bread and everyone is happy!

Bon Appetit!


Everyone needs an adorable Apron like this to cook in!

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