
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Why Worthy Heart

Why Worthy Heart

It has been almost a year since I started my writing journey, 10 months to be exact, and I have to say I have thoroughly loved every minute of it. I really did not know what to expect, but I can assure you I did not expect the joy and healing writing has brought me. 

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Oddly enough when I started this process I started it as a way to cope. My mom had died. My sister and I, with the help of our younger brother take care of our father who has mild dementia and I have a family. Three boys and a husband who is a pilot for a living- so gone quite often. Seemed reasonable enough to add more to my plate and start a blog with the tens of thousands of other new bloggers and tens of thousands of established bloggers in the world! Right! Not so much, but I went for it. Mainly because my mom had encouraged me to write and so had my cousin Sue in New Jersey. Not even sure if she remembers that, but she did and it stuck with me and I went for it. I figured what the heck did I have to lose! Nothing really and I had no idea how much I would gain! Sue if you are reading this, "Thank you!"

Cousin Sue, Dad, and Cousin Peg to the right......

Cousin Sue, Dad, and Cousin Peg to the right......

Because of my beautiful mom and my cousins inspiration Worthy Heart was born. Some of you have asked why Worthy Heart? When I was choosing a name I really wanted something with the word cope in it. Simply because that is what I was doing at the time. Coping. However the name I came up with was not a good fit. "Commit to Cope".  I was smart enough to google similar things just to see what would come up and honest to God all kinds of stuff on suicide came up. Swear! Try it. Promise that is what you will find too. I scratched my head and thought, "that is not gonna work!" and I started the process of looking at words I loved and playing around with meanings until I realized what it was I wanted to convey. I wanted to convey love and that everybody is worthy of it. EVERYBODY! Pretty people, fat people, rich people, poor people, sick people, old people, talented people, boring people, skinny people, homeless people, black people, white people, yellow people, short people, people without limbs, people in wheelchairs, addicts, gays, blondes, brunettes, athletes, non athletes, ... ALL people. All people are worthy of love. You are worthy of love and you are loved. You are loved by God! 

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That my friends is the why and how of Worthy Heart and boy am I so thankful! So if you are ever doubting your worth remember this: "You are not worthless. God does not make worthless things! You are worthy because God Says so and you are good enough because God made you." Always remember this and know you are worthy and you are enough.

Until next time...



Hello, World!

Always remember....You are worthy!





The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time

10 Plus One Unique Gift Ideas for Dad!

10 Plus One Unique Gift Ideas for Dad!