
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

New York State of Mind Part 2-

New York State of Mind Part 2-

Part 2 of my New York State of Mind begins today! If you missed part 1 you can catch that here: https://worthyheart.com/blog/2018/7new-york-state-of-mind-part-1

Where did I leave you? Thursday night I believe! So Friday morning again we were up and at 'em early as we had to have JP to the studio by 9, fed, hydrated, and with lunch. I am proud to say we nailed the subway and we were there in plenty of time! Thank God JP is a fast learner because he was the reason it was so easy for us.

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Once we dropped JP we decided we wanted to take it easy. My mother in law and I had a nice leisurely walk and along the way we met some really nice firemen and did a little shopping. We found a quaint diner, had brunch, and decided we wanted to go back to the room until Ginger arrived to rest. Gramzee took a bath in our quirky tub and a nice long nap and I wrote a little. It was actually perfect as our room overlooked Central Park and I was able to sit and really reflect on what was happening and how awesome of an opportunity this was and is for JP. In the quiet I was able to thank God for all He had blessed me and my family with. It was a moment I will never forget and one I will always treasure. How often do we moms ever get 3 hours of alone time with no disruption to where we can really be present and grateful. Not often enough.


Ginger arrived around 4 and together with Gramzee we made our way back to the Studio to get our boy. We got to the studio early so we met up with one of the other mother's and found a cute little bar and had a delicious cocktail! I have named it the Trishtini as my new friend Trish is who invented it! Let me tell you it is delish and has a punch! Look for the recipe tomorrow! You will not be disappointed, but warning! ONE IS ENOUGH! 

Once we had JP we rushed back to the room to get ready for our show.   We took the subway and I can tell you after one trishtini I handled that subway like a champ! I guess my inhibitions were down and I did not care if I looked like a tourist because that was the only time I handled it with ease! Ha! We were starving so Gramzee and I made our way to a little grocery on the corner and grabbed all kinds of goodies so JP would not be late to the show.

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We made it to the musical in plenty of time and what a show it was! Dear Evan Hansen.  All I can say is WOW! If you have kids, if you are on social media (which I assume you are as you are reading this), if you plan on having kids, and if you ever get the chance to see this show I HIGHLY recommend it. I think every human being should see this show! Truly it is that amazing. The entire premise is about inclusivity and the importance of human connection and it was just beautiful. Sad, but beautiful!  Of course I cried through the entire show and the thought of kids not feeling loved just kills me, but it is real. They all need to know they are not alone and they will be found. They need to know to just hold on tight and the sun will come up tomorrow.  For whatever reason they don't understand tomorrow will come and it kills me knowing my own kids might be feeling this at times and that really tugs at my heart. 


When I later asked JP what he thought about the show he said he loved it! I asked what made him cry and he said he has friends who have thought of suicide and his heart hurt for them knowing it. He told me that social media while it is fun and great it can really hurt a person. I could not agree more and I was so glad he saw such a powerful and moving show to really see and feel how social media can create harm and pain. We talked about the idea of EVERYBODY deserves a smile and a hello! That a smile and a hello might save someone's life. So the point here is GO SEE THE SHOW if you ever have the opportunity! You will not regret it! If you don't believe me ask JP! I promise you he will agree!

Of course after the show we had to hit Ray's Pizza for the THIRD time, but hey who is counting? And besides I was averaging 25,000 plus steps a day so I deserved it! Ha!

So there you have Part 2 of New York State of Mind! Be looking for Part 3 as it was yet another amazing adventure in the city that never sleeps!

Until then!



Hello, World!

I wish you could see my dress in these pictures, but you cannot. I am still working on my photography skills! The dress is AMAZING and I got so many complimnets and I got it here!
The Trishtini

The Trishtini

New York State of Mind Part 1

New York State of Mind Part 1