
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

The Seasons are Changing and I am Changing

The Seasons are Changing and I am Changing

Change...it can be risky. It can be difficult. It can also be beautiful. And it will always show you more about yourself....The good, the bad, the really ugly, but the really strong and courageous too if you open up your heart to it.

I have been doing a lot of changing lately. It has been painful, but it has been beautiful. I saw this tree the other day and thought to myself can the tree feel the change that is happening? The new season of life? Lord knows I am feeling the change….and no I am not talking hormones here, however, that is happening too if I am being honest. I am 48 after all! LIFE!


I digress….back to the tree. I drive past this tree daily and for some reason the beauty caught me and I started thinking about all the changes and how beautiful they are. I actually thought to myself, “Man wouldn’t it be nice for the changes my family and I are going through to be beautiful like this tree?” I remember stopping right there and taking the picture and thinking, “UM, hello Amy!!!! It’s all how you perceive these changes. If you perceive them as work and negative that is how they will be or you can change your perspective and see what that does for ya!”

Beautiful colors….beautiful change…..

Beautiful colors….beautiful change…..

I decided on Saturday, November 10, 2018 to open my heart and mind the potential these changes could bring. Do you know what happened? A weight was lifted from my shoulders. I am not kidding. The weight of the what if’s is slowly leaving. The weight of the what could have been is slowly disappearing, and the weight of trying to control the change and the outcome is slowly diminishing. It was so freeing! It was like the leaves were falling and the new me is being pruned to really bloom.

So yes, change is hard, but if you are going through a change in your life like me and it is uncomfortable try looking at it with an open heart and a different perspective. You might be amazed at what that does for you and you will really be amazed at how free you feel. Do you know what happens when you feel free? You project love and couldn’t the world use more love?

Until next time…..



It's That Time of Year Again....

It's That Time of Year Again....

How we Met

How we Met